
Python code to read DICOMDIR and create anonymous file mapping

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python code to read DICOMDIR and create anonymous file mapping


No need to install

Package Requirement

  • python3.x+
  • pydicom


  1. Parse DICOMDIR and create mapping file (also remove sensitive fields)
python make_anonymous.py --dicomdir_path PATH_TO_FOLDER_WITH_DICOMDIR

It will create a

  • anonymous_mapping.csv (file):info that should be keep by maintainer (ex. doctor)
  • anonymous (folder) --patient_ids -- parsed folder with dicom files
  1. Fast copy relative folders
    Because program will parse all files that can be scaned by DICOMDIR, irrelative folders will not need to dump for clients.
    Maintainer can open the anonymous_mapping.csv and change the flag of "select" (first column) from 0 -> 1. and run the fast_movefolder.py
    dicom files can be viewed with imageJ. Maintainer should check required images of folders and mark them in the anonymous_mapping.csv.
python fast_movefolder.py --dicomdir_path PATH_TO_FOLDER_WITH_DICOMDIR

It will create a new folder convert that contains folders that been selected.

Finally, give the convert to people who needs it and keep the anonymous_mapping.csv.