Django-Mako-Plus Heroku Integration Tutorial
This a walkthrough on how to host a django-mako-plus (DMP) application on Heroku using Postgres.
DMP is a framework created by Dr. Conan C. Albrecht. To learn more about it check out the repo or docs.
This tutorial is written specifically for Mac OS. Adjustments will need to be made to the Requirements and Step 1 for Windows. Shouldn't be too hard to figure out, though.
- Install Latest Version of Python
- Install Git
- Install Pipenv. Accomplish this by running
pip3 install pipenv
- Install Postgres for Mac, Linux, Windows
- Install psycopg2. Accomplish this by running
pip3 install psycopg2
- Install PGAdmin
- Free GitHub Account
- Free Heroku Account
Step 1 - Setup localhost
Setup Database
- Select a server or create a new one
- Select Server Settings, take note of name and port
Open pgAdmin
- In the Dashboard Quick Links, select Add New Sever
- Under the General tab
- Name: use the name from the Server Settings
- Don't change the other fields
- Under the Connection tab
- Host: localhost
- Port: use the port from the Server Settings
- Username: your system user name
- Don't change the other fields
- Click Save
- Expand Servers tree
- Right click on Databases and select create - database
- Name new database 'dmp_heroku'
- Click Save
Create DMP Application
The following steps have been adjusted from the Quick Start section of the DMP docs.
# install django, mako, and DMP
pip3 install django-mako-plus
# create a new project with a 'homepage' app
python3 -m django startproject --template= dmp_heroku
cd dmp_heroku
python3 startapp --template= --extension=py,htm,html homepage
# open dmp_heroku/
# append 'homepage' to the INSTALLED_APPS list
# replace default DATABASE with
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
'NAME': 'dmp_heroku',
'USER': '[Insert Username used in PgAdmin4]',
'HOST': 'localhost',
#'default': {
# 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
# 'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'),
Run initial migrations and run the server in terminal
python3 migrate
python3 runserver
Open a browser to http://localhost:8000/
You should see "Welcome to the homepage app! ...."
Awesome! You've made a DMP application. You can turn this off now with CTRL-C in the terminal.
Step 2 - Heroku Integration
Edit dmp_heroku/
You need different settings for development vs production so I create copies to keep them separate. You DO NOT want to use the development settings in GitHub as this usually includes passwords.
- Duplicate your file and name it
- Duplicate your file again and name it
#add dj_database_url at top with other imports
import dj_database_url
#change your SECRET_KEY to the following:
SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get('SECRET_KEY')
#change DEBUG to false
DEBUG = False
#add '*' to ALLOWED_HOSTS
#append WhiteNoiseMiddleware to the MIDDLEWARE list after SecurityMiddleware
#replace DATABASES with the following:
DATABASES['default'] = dj_database_url.parse(os.environ.get('DATABASE_URL'), conn_max_age=0)
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
# SECURITY WARNING: this next line must be commented out at deployment
#change STATIC_ROOT to the following:
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'staticfiles')
#append the following after STATIC_ROOT
Create a Procfile
Inside your dmp_heroku directory, create a new file named Procfile (no extension)
web: python dmp_collectstatic --overwrite; python -m whitenoise.compress staticfiles/homepage/styles; python -m whitenoise.compress staticfiles/homepage/scripts; python migrate; gunicorn dmp_heroku.wsgi --log-file -
The Procfile tells Heroku what commands to run upon deployment. To learn more, check out their documentation on the Procfile.
Django does not support using static files in production. To fix this, we are using an application called whitenoise. Also, since DMP handles static files differently than normal django, we have to overwrite the dmp_collectstatic command and compress styles & scripts for each app inside our project.
Create a Pipfile
Inside the terminal, run the following:
pipenv --three
This will create a new file called Pipfile.
Open this file in your editor. Add the following after packages.
dj-database-url = "*"
django = "*"
mako = "*"
django-mako-plus = "*"
gunicorn = "*"
psycopg2 = "*"
whitenoise = "*"
Make sure your python version is correct. This file tells Heroku what dependencies need to be installed.
Now, inside the terminal, run the following:
pipenv install
This will create a Pipfile.lock
Step 3 - Create Git Repository
This section assumes you have created a GitHub account and created and added an ssh key.
IMPORTANT: Before pushing to GitHub, Copy into When you want to run on your localhost, copy into
- Create a new repository on GitHub. To avoid errors, do not initialize the new repository with README, license, or gitignore files. You can add these files after your project has been pushed to GitHub.
- Initialize your project by running
git init
in the terminal - Create a .gitignore
## Python ##
## Heroku ##
- Run the following commands in the terminal
git add .
git commit -am "initial commit"
git remote add origin [remote repository URL]
git push -u origin master
Step 4 - Deploy on Heroku
Generate a new SECRET_KEY
- Open a browser to or use your own method
- Copy this key for later
Create Heroku Application
- Open a browser to
- In the top right, click the New button and select 'Create new app'
- Name the application anything you'd like, I named my 'dmp-heroku' so you won't be able to use it because it's taken
- Navigate to the Resources tab
- In the Add-ons search field, type 'postgres' and select Heroku Postgres
- Select Hobby Dev - Free and click Provision
- Navigate to the Settings tab
- Under Config Variables, click Reveal Config Vars
- Add a new key
- VALUE: [copied generated key]
- Make sure to click Add
- Navigate to the Deploy tab
- Select GitHub under Deployment Method
- Click Connect to GitHub
- Login
- Under Connect to GitHub, search for the name of your GitHub repository
- Click connect
- Under Manual Deploy, click Deploy Branch
- Once build and deploy is done running, click the View button
Congrats! You've officially launched a DMP application in Heroku!
To learn more about Heroku, check out their documentation. Happy coding!