
New OCA runboat simple deployment steps

Primary LanguageShell

Video walkthrough: https://youtu.be/1BKVH2HUuig

  • Create virtual machine instance (Ubuntu/2GM Memory)

    Run following Cmds on vitual machine to get latest patches:

    sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade
  • Install Docker and docker-compose:

    • Install docker:
      sudo snap install docker
      sudo groupadd docker
      sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
      sudo reboot
    • Log back in and install docker compose:
      sudo curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/v2.11.2/docker-compose-linux-x86_64 -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
      sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
  • Update DNS records. Examples for the controller and odoo builds live endpoint:

    • Controller(A record): runboat-controller-tmp.{base-domain} instance-IP
    • Builds(A record): *.runboat-builds-tmp.{base-domain} instance-IP
  • Create postgres database instance and collect credentials.

    • Example root username and password
      • DB root user: root
      • DB root pass: runboat_runboat
      • DB hostname: runboat.csej1ip8qm8x.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com
  • Open Database instance 5432 port and disable external fire wall(if any) to the virtual machine for ease of installation. We should turn this back on after setup is complete

  • Update/check firewalls so that the virtual machine can connect to database

  • Login into virtual machine and check if the virtual machine can connect to the database

    • Install psql client:
      sudo apt install postgresql-client-common
      sudo apt install postgresql-client-14
    • Check database connection:
      PGPASSWORD='runboat_runboat' psql -h <db-host> -d postgres -U root
    • Clone the deployment repo: git clone --recursive https://github.com/strativ-dev/runboat-deployment.git
    • Change dir into the repo: cd runboat-deployment
  • Configure Kubernetes using microk8s

    • Run bash resources/microk8s-setup.sh script and exit the ssh session
    • Login back, change dir into cd runboat-deployment/resources and run bash haproxy-install.sh
  • Configure oca runboat repo and make adjustments

    • Change directory back to runboat-deployment and run microk8s config > runboat/kubeconfig to create kubeconfig
    • Copy docker-compose.yml: cp resources/docker-compose.yml runboat/.
    • Update docker-compose.yml inside runboat/:
      • put DB connection details(host, port, root username) at RUNBOAT_BUILD_ENV.

      • put DB password at RUNBOAT_BUILD_SECRET_ENV

      • put Controller url at RUNBOAT_BASE_URL. Example: http://runboat.erp360.strativ.se:8000

      • put Builds domain at RUNBOAT_BUILD_DOMAIN. Example: runboat-builds-tmp.erp360.strativ.se

      • create personal github token from https://github.com/settings/tokens/new with permissions and put at RUNBOAT_GITHUB_TOKEN

      • Put a secret value at Secret section and update RUNBOAT_GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET at docker-compose.yml

      • Run docker-compose: docker-compose up inside runboat/

      • Visit 8000 port at base url to check if its working. e.g. http://runboat.erp360.strativ.se:8000

      • Select the odoo plugin repo and configure RUNBOAT_REPOS based on the repo name

      • Configure webhook url in the target repo

        • Put {controller-base-url}:8000/webhooks/github at Payload URL section. e.g. http://runboat.erp360.strativ.se:8000/webhooks/github
        • Set Content type to application/json
        • Put the value of RUNBOAT_GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET at secret section
        • Select push && pull-request from events and save
  • Finally, if everythings done accordingly, make changes to the repo and push to target branch and the visit the deployment url configured. e.g. http://runboat-controller-tmp.erp360.strativ.se:8000/webui/build.html?name=