MagazineProject - ASP.NET MVC 5 Application

MagazineProject is simple Web Magazine application.

Everyone is free read magazine`s posts without the need to log in. Every post have category, author and comments. Post and comment lists are with ajax paging.

Easy Logging. Have facebook and google login or regular.

Have search for posts with autocomplete.

Create example database. When start app for first time.

Regular Users can free read posts, comments and see another profiles. After logging they can add comments and change their profile settings.


Writers have all rights like Regular Users, but can add post (after logging). But post waiting for approve from Moderators or Admins.

Moderators have all rights like Writers, but can editing all posts and comments. They can add approve or hide(delete) posts or comments.

Admins have all rights like Writers. They can editing users, add or delete from Role. Admin adding category or hide with them posts and post`s comments. Admin can editing number of posts on slider(home page) and number of showing post with video url (on home page).

ASP NET MVC 5 application powered by:

Development Environment: Microsoft Visual Studio 2013


  • Username: Admin , Password: 123456, Role: Admin
  • Username: Moderator , Password: 123456, Role: Moderator
  • Username: Writer , Password: 123456, Role: Writer
  • Username: User, Password: 123456, Role: No role (normal user)


Magazine Project - Image Gallery

Home Page

Posts by Category

Post detail page


Grid(all grids like this)

Role Manager