Source code for Separable PINN

Primary LanguagePython

Jax implementation of Separable PINN


Junwoo Cho*, Seungtae Nam*, Hyunmo Yang, Youngjoon Hong, Seok-Bae Yun, Eunbyun Park
*Equal contribution, †Corresponding author.

Architecture overview


  • SPINN consists of multiple MLPs, each of which takes an individual 1-dimensional coordinate as an input.
  • The output is constructed by a simple product and summation which can be interpreted as a low-rank decomposed representation.

Environment Setup

0. If you're using Google Colab, just run the code

1. Install Docker and NVIDIA Container Toolkit

  • please follow the official document for installation.
  • if you already installed both of them, please skip this part.

2. Build the docker image

  • run the command below at "/your/path/to/SPINN".
  • don't forget to include the dot at the end.
docker build -t spinn_environment .

3. Run the docker image

  • run the command below at "/your/path/to/SPINN".
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/workspace -p 8888:8888 --gpus all --ipc host --name spinn spinn_environment:latest

4. Launch Jupyter and run the code

  • run the command below inside the container.
jupyter notebook --allow-root --ip --port 8888

Data for 2D Navier-Stokes equation

You can find the original data here: https://github.com/PredictiveIntelligenceLab/CausalPINNs/tree/main/data


  • you can run each experiment by running <EQUATIONnd>.py.
  • to disable the memory preallocation, assign the environment variable XLA_PYTHON_CLIENT_PREALLOCATE to false.
  • you can also reproduce with our configurations by running the scripts SPINN/scripts/<EQUATIONnd_MODEL>.sh
  • configurations
    --data_dir: directory to the reference data if needed
    --model: model (PINN or SPINN)
    --equation: name of the equation and the spatio-temporal dimension
    --nc: number of collocation points sampled from each axis
    --nc_test: number of test points sampled from each axis
    --seed: random seed
    --lr: learning rate
    --epochs: training epochs
    --mlp: type of MLP (mlp or modified_mlp)
    --n_layers: depth of each MLP
    --features: width of each MLP
    --r: rank of SPINN
    --out_dim: output dimension (channel size) of the model
    --pos_enc: size of the positional encoding (0 if not used)
    --log_iter: logging every ... epoch
    --plot_iter: visualize the solution every ... epoch
    --a1 --a2 --a3: (HELMHOLTZ EQUATION) frequency in the manufactured solution $\sin(a_1\pi x)+\sin(a_2\pi y)+\sin(a_3\pi z)$
    --k: (KLEIN_GORDON_EQUATION) temporal frequency of the manufactured solution
    --nt: (NAVIER_STOKES_EQUATION) number of sampled collocation points in the temporal domain
    --nxy: (NAVIER_STOKES_EQUATION 3D) number of sampled collocation points in the spatial domain
    --offset_num: (NAVIER_STOKES_EQUATION 3D) number of input grid set
    --offset_iter: (NAVIER_STOKES_EQUATION 3D) change the grid set every ... epoch
    --marching_steps: (NAVIER_STOKES_EQUATION 3D) number of time window
    --step_idx: (NAVIER_STOKES_EQUATION 3D) index of the time window
    --lbda_c: (NAVIER_STOKES_EQUATION 3D and 4D) weighting factor for incompressible condition loss
    --lbda_ic: (NAVIER_STOKES_EQUATION 3D and 4D) weighting factor for initial condition loss


  title={Separable Physics-Informed Neural Networks},
  author={Cho, Junwoo and Nam, Seungtae and Yang, Hyunmo and Yun, Seok-Bae and Hong, Youngjoon and Park, Eunbyung},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.15969},