
Java-based lightweight Prolog virtual machine

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Paul Tarau's iProlog

License: Apache 2.0


  • Better type names in util folder.
  • Move parser from Engine.loadProgram into a ANTLR4 based compiler
  • MyIntList looks a bit ugly
  • Add code documentation
  • Add unit tests
  • Finish docker-compose to be able to build and run it without installing Java 16 or SWI-Prolog.
  • Can we use lazy streams instead of fully resolved list and arrays, thus only pulling the data that is really needed in each iteration?
  • Encapsulate tag / symbol / value resolution in a different class


  • ./scripts/build.sh
  • maven package


  • doc/paper.pdf (A Hitchhiker's Guide to Reinventing a Prolog Machine)
  • tutorial at VMSS'16 for some motivations for this and justification of implementation choices a swi prolog script first compiles the code to a pl.nl file, than Main calls stuff in Engine which loads it in memory and runs it


primitive types:

  • int
  • ground
  • var (U+V)
  • ref
  • array

see main code (~1000lines) in Engine.java

  • pl2nl.pl compiles a .pl file to its .nl equivalent, ready to run by the java based runtime system
  • natint.pl emulates its work by compiling back .nl files to Prolog clauses

Some out of the box thoughts:

  • no symbol tables: a symbol is just a (small) ground array of ints, and instead of a symbol table we would have a "ground cache" - that helps with better memory usege and also speed
  • when a non-ground compound tries to unify with a ground, the ground term is expanded to the heap
  • when a ground unifies with a ground - it's just pointer equality and when a var unifies with a ground, it just points to it - as if it were a constant


  • Paul Tarau, August 2017