Chaos Imp is a framework for creating, executing, and running chaos engineering (CE) experiments on AWS. It provides shorthand syntax to express experiment templates, executions, and automations. With just a few lines, you can define the experiment you want and model it using YAML and shell scripts. During deployment, Chaos Imp transforms and expands your YAML and shell scripts into AWS CloudFormation syntax, enabling you to run chaos experiments faster.
Chaos Imp uses a plethora of AWS services under the hood. It glues Systems Manager Agent (SSM), Failure Injection Simulator (FIS), CloudWatch Events, and Lambda Function APIs to create an easy-to-use tool around the following parts of the CE process:
- Defining infrastructure, application, and security failure injection templates.
- Running CE experiments in a controlled way by using AWS tagging capabilities.
- Automating experiments as part of the continuous verification pipeline.
Chaos Imp is a Python package. To install it run:
pip install chaosimp
Now, you can start using scripts and classes from the chaosimp
package. You can also run CLI commands. Chaos Imp supports four namespaces:
, andset
, anddelete
, andstop
, anddelete
For example, to list all of your templates run:
imp templates list
The CLI is self-documenting, so you can learn about any command by running:
imp <COMMAND_NAME> --help
Check out Chaos Imp example templates that include resource, network, and state chaos experiments.
Let's create a simple experiment that stresses CPUs of several EC2 instances.
You can perform experiments on a variety of different AWS resources. Chaos Imp automatically translates resources defined in the YAML experiment template to AWS FIS targets.
For example, to target a subset of EC2 instances tagged with imp: ec2-experiment
define the following target in imp.yml
- Name: "ec2-instances"
ResourceType: "aws:ec2:instance"
- Key: "imp"
Value: "ec2-experiment"
SelectionMode: "ALL"
This defines a FIS target that experiment actions can be applied to.
Now, let's define a custom Chaos Imp action that runs a script with stress-ng
stressing CPUs:
- Name: "stress-cpus"
Type: "imp:run-script"
Target: "ec2-instances"
Duration: "PT1M"
Path: ""
This defines a Chaos Imp action that is later translated into a FIS action. To avoid confusion, you can use all FIS action types defined in the official documentation.
Chaos Imp introduces its own namespace and action type into the mix: imp:run-script
. This action functions just like aws:ssm:send-command
except for you can reference a local file instead of documentArn
and documentVersion
Now, we just add an experiment script file
sudo yum -y install stress-ng
stress-ng --cpu 0 --cpu-method matrixprod --cpu-load 100 -t 20s
This will install stress-ng
and apply 100% load on all CPUs for 20 seconds.
Running scripts like that on your EC2 instances requires SSM Agent to be installed. It's installed by default on Amazon Linux 2 and Ubuntu machines. If you are using a different Linux distribution then follow the official installation guide.
Before creating a template, you have to create a role with a policy that allows FIS to run actions.
You can reference this role with every template creation call by using --role-arn
but it's much more convenient to store it in the local config:
imp config set TemplateRoleArn <ROLE_ARN>
We are finally ready to create our first template:
imp templates create --path . cpu-stress
Before running an experiment on EC2 instances those instances have to be assigned a role with a policy that allows them to interact with SSM. This is required for all FIS SSM actions as well as Chaos Imp special actions.
Once instances are ready, you can run an experiment based on the template we created:
imp experiments start --template cpu-stress my-cpu-experiment
This will create and run an experiment in FIS. If you run subsequent experiments with the same name you can list all experiment executions by running:
imp experiments get my-cpu-experiment
If you are interested in the specific instance of an experiment then run:
imp experiments get-by-id <EXPERIMENT_ID>
Experiment automation is a work in progress. Chaos Imp uses a combination of CloudWatch Events and Lambda Functions to create automations.
Unfortunately, AWS SDK is out of date in the Lambda runtime and doesn't support FIS yet, so you'll have to create a Docker image with an updated AWS SDK in it.
First, download Dockerfile
on your machine. Then run the following commands to create and push an image to your private AWS ECR:
aws ecr get-login-password | docker login \
--username AWS \
--password-stdin \
docker build -t imp-automation .
docker tag imp-automation:latest <REPO_URL>/imp-automation:latest
docker push <REPO_URL>/imp-automation:latest
This will become unnecessary once Lambda supports a more recent SDK.
To create an automation run:
imp automations create \
--schedule="rate(30 minutes)" \
--template="cpu-stress" \
--image=<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>.dkr.ecr.<REGION> \
This will create a CloudWatch Event Rule that will kickoff a Lambda every 30 minutes. The Lambda starts a FIS experiment.