
Equations in chapter 20.1.3 and 20.1.5

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I think there is something wrong with the following equations. Can Bruno check?

20.1.3 Fitting the log-normal race model

Rather than trying to estimate all the censored observations, we integrate them out:

P(T_censored) = ...

HY: In the above equation, the complementary CDF should correspond to the "non-word" accumulator when choice=word.

20.1.5 Dealing with contaminant responses

The second term of the likelihood represents the log-normal race model that occurs with probability 1-theta_c. We use p_lnrace(rt_n,choice_n) as a shorthand for the following function (which we have already used in the models before):

p_lnrace(rt_n,choice_n) = ...

HY: Again, the word accumulator's likelihood should be multiplied with the complementary CDF of the "non-word" accumulator when choice=word.

HY: Finally, the equations with \tag{20.1} and \tag{20.2} are still in their latex form (probably some box command error).

I've just fixed this, we'll update the html version soon.