Draft of book entitled An Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis for Cognitive Science by Nicenboim, Schad, Vasishth
- 5
Error in book
#43 opened by JaakobKind - 2
questions section 6.3
#50 opened by jwnki - 1
PDF version
#58 opened by Tahashaban - 0
- 8
Understanding the Bayes Factor more
#62 opened by yuhanczhang - 12
Phrasing of probability axioms
#63 opened by PhilipLoewen - 1
Conditional probability and the weather
#64 opened by PhilipLoewen - 3
n choose k
#65 opened by PhilipLoewen - 1
Truncating the Normal Distribution
#66 opened by PhilipLoewen - 3
Table 1.3 Renders Incorrectly
#67 opened by PhilipLoewen - 1
- 0
Idea for Ch 2: Simplest exercise ever
#69 opened by PhilipLoewen - 1
Ch 2: Rephrasing for precision
#70 opened by PhilipLoewen - 1
Ex 2.4: Rephrasing proposal
#72 opened by PhilipLoewen - 3
Ex 2.6 tune-up
#73 opened by PhilipLoewen - 2
"Copy" button grabs too much in online text
#75 opened by PhilipLoewen - 2
- 1
- 1
Duplication in chapter 6
#61 opened by inigourrestarazu - 1
Some typos from chapters 2-5
#60 opened by egurtzegi - 3
Empty plot in 4.3.5?
#47 opened by inigourrestarazu - 0
chapter Figure 5.7
#56 opened by cuierd - 0
#55 opened by lingucat - 0
Typo in Ch. 16.4?
#54 opened by smith-garrett - 0
#53 opened by jobschepens - 0
Chapter 11, formula with vectors, minor typo
#52 opened by vrazitulis - 1
Section 1.7 minor typo
#57 opened by ralucarilla - 1
Question 2.3: Conjugate forms 3
#51 opened by smith-garrett - 2
Error / typo in 5.2.5.
#48 opened by inigourrestarazu - 1
- 1
Typo in preface "[We] do not require"
#49 opened by askieslinger - 1
typo in section 4.2.3?
#45 opened by noestetie - 2
typo in code (section 4.2.2)
#44 opened by noestetie - 1
Missing comma in
#42 opened by noestetie - 1
- 1
Small issue in
#40 opened by jhaeberl - 3
Typos in section 2.2
#30 opened by jhaeberl - 2
Typos in 1.6.2
#39 opened by noestetie - 1
Typo in Preface ("Who is this book for?")
#38 opened by jpoehl - 4
R code folder mssing 00 code
#25 opened by michaelgaunt404 - 2
Typos in 8.3, 9.1
#29 opened by elizabethpankratz - 1
Color mismatch for FIGURE 15.6 in Visualize distribution of Bayes factors
#31 opened by siqi-zheng - 1
A few typos and thoughts on Chap 2
#33 opened by omseeth - 1
A few typos in Chap 3
#35 opened by omseeth - 3
A few typos and thoughts on Preface + Chap 1
#32 opened by omseeth - 2
Suspected typo in the priors chapter
#34 opened by cfhammill - 1
typo in Chapter 8.1
#26 opened by Dallak - 1
Log likelihood of mixture models (chapter 19)
#24 opened by fusaroli - 1
Equations in chapter 20.1.3 and 20.1.5
#28 opened by yadavhimanshu059 - 3