Reverse Vending Machine (RVM)


Application implements a simple reverse vending machine (RVM). RVM implemented as a microservice which exposes API. Anyone can access the API to emulate various operations on the RVM. We can deposit empty bottles, cons and get a voucher. We can also collect all deposited containers for further recycling. API are documented with Swagger. Appication UI is represented with help of Swagger UI.

Quick getting started guide

You can quickly run application using docker:

docker run -p 8080:8080 vassik/rvm

Application exposes API with Swagger which can be accessed in browser


Now you can deposit empty cans and bottles and get a receipt for the turned in containers. A drinks' manufacturer can collect used containers for recycling.

Build and Run

Compile and run locally

Application is written in java 11 and requires maven.

  1. Clone the repo: git clone
  2. To compile and test: mvn clean install
  3. To run: java -jar target/machine-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  4. Application API can now be accessed at: http://localhost:8080/swagger.html

Alternatively, we can simply clone the repo and run ./ The script will build and run a docker image locally.


Application utilizes GitHub actions to implement the CI pipeline. The pipeline is locations in the .github/workrflow folder. The pipeline compiles application every timer if there is a push to the repository. The pipeline produces to type of images, i.e. we produce vassik/rvm:latest on main branch and on any other branch we create vassik/rvm:<branch_name>. The application can be run with docker locally as follows: docker run -p 8080:8080 vassik/rvm