
It simulates a 4-instruction CPU introduced in the textbook Computer Systems Organization and Architecture.

Is an 8-bit processor with a 64-byte address space. It interfaces to memory via a 6-bit address bus and an 8-bit system data bus. The Very Simple CPU does not use isolated I/O, so only a READ signal is included in the system's control bus.

The instruction set architecture of the Very Simple CPU includes a single register that can be controlled directly by the programmer. The accumulator, AC, is an 8-bit register. It receives the result of any arithmetic or logical operation and Session T2F 0-7803-7444-4/02/$17.00 © 2002 IEEE November 6-9, 2002, Boston, MA 32nd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference T2F-12 provides one of the operands for arithmetic and logical instructions that use two operands. The second operand comes directly from memory. There are several other registers in this CPU which are not a part of the instruction set architecture, but which the CPU uses to perform the internal operations necessary to fetch, decode, and execute instructions. These registers are fairly standard, and are found in many CPUs. The Very Simple CPU contains the following registers.

  • A 6-bit Address Register, AR, which supplies an address to memory via address pins A[5..0]
  • A 6-bit Program Counter, PC, which contains the address of the next instruction to be executed
  • An 8-bit Data Register, DR, which receives instructions and data from memory via data pins D[7..0]
  • A 2-bit Instruction Register, IR, which stores the opcode fetched from memory

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The instruction set for this CPU contains four instructions. These instructions are encoded using only the two high-order bits of the instruction code. For instructions that require the memory address of an operand or a branch address, the remaining six bits of the instruction code specify that address. For register reference instructions, those bits are unused. The instructions were chosen to represent instructions and instruction types commonly found in processors of this level.

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The Very Simple CPU can use either a hard-wired or microcoded control unit, either of which can be simulated by this package.

Microcoded Control Unit

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Hard-wired control Unit

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