Google Hosted Authentication Example in Flask

Goal: demo how to use Google to handle user authentication (authN) for a demo flask web app.

To run this app, run cmd: docker-compose build and then docker-compose up (make sure to install Docker locally first!)

Credit: - Code Specialist (

To set this up with your (service's) Google account:

  • Register a service with Google > create a new project (name it).
  • Within the new project, go to APIs + Services > Create credentials > Configure Consent Screen > External Users > name the project again (same name is ok) > enter user support email > leave defaults > create test users if you'd like
  • Go back to dashboard > Credentials > Create Creds > OAuth Client ID > web app > define your redirect url of your web app (http://localhost/callback)
  • Create the call back > download your creds as a json file
  • Copy this client_secret.json locally to the project repo
  • Update the GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID in with what's present in the client_secret.json you got from Google.