Compare vs Diff
juliana-chu opened this issue · 2 comments
Hello, there!
I have some question about the command compare and diff, and just want to clarify them. So from the ReadMe, compare returns a tab that includes differentially spliced AS events between two groups base on their average inclusion levels from replicates. Diff is differential AS based on each replicate? Since from my samples, my diff returns a longer tab than compare, and includes all events from compare. Does that means Diff's tab returns all events, with calculated MV? Also, there are some events returned in compare, but in diff it have MV at 0.95 as 0. Does that mean the event have different AS in two groups, but there is over 95% that the event is not going to happen in future?
Please clarify that for me!
Thank you!
The output of compare is only the events that pass the filters + the test (comparing PSI averages and the overlap between distributions). For diff (@UBrau please confirm) is only the events that have pass the filtering criteria (minimum read coverage), and then you need to select your MV cut-off.
It is possible that an event picked by compared has MV at 0.95 of 0. It means that statistically it's not likely to be a changing event, likely because there are few reads and the differences aren't great.
By using compare and/or diff the idea is to provide higher analysis flexibility.
I hope it helps!