
Using ansible to deploy Rails app

Deploy Rails Application

Using ansible to deploy rails application. Additionally you can switch to different user if you don't have direct ssh access to the remote server.


ansible > 1.9

Adding servers

Add hostnames inside inventory file under inventories path based on the environment.

Deployment configuration


ssh_user: "{{ ssh_user }}"

home_path: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}"

application_name: rails_app

# Branch to deploy
version: master

# Base directory where application resides
application_path: "{{ home_path }}/{{ application_name }}"

# Path where shared directory resides
shared_path: "{{ application_path }}/shared"

# Path where all the releases directory resides
releases_path: "{{ application_path }}/releases"

# Current release path
current_path: "{{ application_path }}/current"

git_repository_path: ''

# Environment variable to be set on the remote servers
  PATH: "{{ home_path }}/bin:/usr/bin:/bin"

  - database.yml
  - redis.yml
  - secrets.yml
  - solr.yml
  - memcached.yml

# Minimum no. of releases to maintain
keep_releases: 5

Set common deployment configurations in group_vars/all file. Use other files under group_vars for environment specific configurations.

Starting deployment

ansible-playbook -i inventories/prod deploy.yml --extra-vars 'ssh_user=deploy'

Note: Use -K option to deploy other than ssh user.