A basic todo app with a backend built in Express.js, using MongoDB for the database, and vanilla JS, CSS, and HTML for the frontend. Live at - https://basictodo.onrender.com
This repository contains a simple todo application that allows users to manage their tasks. The app is built using a combination of Express.js for the backend server, MongoDB as the database, and vanilla JS, CSS, and HTML for the frontend.
This project serves as a learning experience for the contributors, @vasujain275 and @jatingupta1204. They are focusing on different aspects of the application development and expanding their skills in the following areas:
- Backend Development: By working on the Express.js backend, @vasujain275 is gaining hands-on experience in building RESTful APIs, handling HTTP requests, and implementing CRUD operations using Express.js.
- MongoDB Integration: @vasujain275 is learning how to connect and interact with a MongoDB database, including storing and retrieving data related to the todo tasks.
- Vanilla JavaScript: Instead of using a modern framework like React, @vasujain275 has chosen to work with vanilla JS to understand the inner workings and concepts of pre-React era web development.
- Frontend Styling: @jatingupta1204 is responsible for the visual design and styling of the todo app. This includes using CSS to enhance the user interface, creating responsive layouts, and ensuring a consistent and appealing user experience.
- UI/UX Design: @jatingupta1204 is focusing on creating an intuitive and user-friendly interface, considering factors such as usability, accessibility, and responsiveness.
Vasu Jain: Focused on backend development using Express.js and implementing the logic for rendering components using JavaScript. Also responsible for integrating the MongoDB database.
Jatin Gupta: Focused on the frontend development, particularly the CSS and styling of the website. Contributed to creating an appealing and user-friendly interface.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Feel free to contribute to the project by submitting issues or pull requests. Any feedback or suggestions are also appreciated!