
Customizable Terrain Generator for HTML 5 Games

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ScaledJS - Terrain Generator for HTML 5 Games & Apps

Build Status

Fully compatible with Cocos 2D JS & Cordova Apps

alt text

IMPORTANT: ScaledJS is under construction and might have some quirks. Refer "What's working" Section. If your Map has 4 or more Terrain (not Decoration) Layers may cause some Unexpected Behaviour.


You can install it via Bower:

bower install scaledjs --save

Or download a release build in Github.


  • Uses Optimal Diamond Square Algorithm for Terrain Generation
  • Available in C++ as ScaledC (soon) with Perlin Noise as well
  • Freedom to Add as Many Layers as you want
  • Freely decide on how the Starting Conditions of the Map are
  • Inbuilt Generator for TMX Tiled Format Maps - For Runtime Tiled Map Generation (rather than having a static XML map)

Hey! What's working ?

  • Map Initialization
  • Starting Conditions of the Map
  • Adding more Terrains
  • Terrain Generation based off Diamond Square Algorithm
  • Conversion of Value Matrix to 3D Layered Matrix
  • Conversion of 3D Matrix to TMX Tiled Map Format
  • Support for Variable Textures (Like Textures of Variable Trees etc.)

Basic Usage

Refer index.html for a Working Example

Use this Sample Image for Generating TMX XML

// Main Instance of the Generator
var generator = new ScaledGen({
    debug : true,
    logs : [],
    maxTries : 20

// Set the Map Size you want to Generate

// Add Terrains that meet your needs
	key : 'layer_water',
	label : 'Water',
	max : 30,
	min : 0,
	default : true

	key : 'layer_plain',
	label : 'Plain',
	max : 65,
	min : 30

// For Generating Only 2D Array of Values:
// Use this:
// generator.generateMapValues();
// var map = generator.getMapValues();
// Stop here if you Only want a Matrix.

// If you are generating Full TMX Map. Provide the GID Values (Explained Below)
// for each Layer. Default(Lowest Level) layer needs only one tile data
// "fullValue" Tile image.
	terrainKey : 'layer_water',
	tiles : [{
		type: "other-tiles",
		placement: "all",
		fullValue: 3

// This is how a regular layer will look like. You can provide textures for 
// different types of Edges & intersections
	terrainKey: 'layer_plain',
	tiles: [{
		type: "enclosing-tiles",
		placement: "top",
		leftValue: 4,
		rightValue: 6,
		topValue: 5
	}, {
		type: "enclosing-tiles",
		placement: "bottom",
		leftValue: 18,
		rightValue: 20,
		bottomValue: 19
	}, {
		type: "enclosing-tiles",
		placement: "left",
		leftValue: 11
	}, {
		type: "enclosing-tiles",
		placement: "right",
		rightValue: 13
	}, {
		type: "excluding-tiles",
		placement: "top",
		leftValue: 8,
		rightValue: 9,
	}, {
		type: "excluding-tiles",
		placement: "bottom",
		leftValue: 15,
		rightValue: 16,
	}, {
		type: "other-tiles",
		placement: "all",
		fullValue: 2
	}, {
		type: "closed-tiles",
		placement: "open",
		topValue: 22,
		rightValue: 23,
		bottomValue: 24,
		leftValue: 25,
		noneValue: 26,
	}, {
		type: "closed-tiles",
		placement: "parallel",
		topBottom: 27,
		leftRight: 28
	}, {
		type: "open-tiles",
		placement: "open",
		topValue: 29,
		rightValue: 30,
		bottomValue: 31,
		leftValue: 32,
		noneValue: 33
	}, {
		type: "open-tiles",
		placement: "parallel",
		topBottomValue: 34,
		leftRightValue: 35

// This is Important for Layer Hierarchy
// Larger the Index the more Dominant it is.
// The layer you want to stay at the top most, stays at the end of this Array
	dominationPriority: ['layer_water', 'layer_plain']

// Tileset Information for the Tiled Map
	source: 'origin_tileset.png',

// Full Generation - Map Array -> 3D Layer -> TMX Map
// Use this If you want full generation from Scratch without any Custom Breakpoints 
// between the Generation Process

// For Displaying Map: (Array Values)

// For Getting Final TMX Map
var TMX_XML = generator.getTmxXml();

Advanced Usage

Refer Advanced Usage Readme



Constructor for the main ScaledJS generator.

Parameters that can be consumed:

	debug : true,
	logs : [],
	onProgressUpdate : updateFunction,
	maxTries : 10
  • debug - boolean - Optional

    Sets the mode to Debug. Enables Console Logging.

  • logs - array - Optional

    Array of strings containing the set of Console Log to show. By default it is set to all which allows all sub-modules of the generator to log to the console.

    If you want to Enable logging for only a specific part of the Generation like Validation or the Generation Itself. Use the following Keys:

  • onProgressUpdate - function - Optional

    Enable Progress Reporting sent from the Generator. Useful in cases when you have bigger maps and have load times. You can use this hook to show progress for better User Experience.

     var generator = new ScaledGen({
     	onProgressUpdate : function(progressValue) {
     		console.log("Progress from Library " + progressValue);
  • maxTries - int - Optional

    Specify the Maximum number of Iterations the Terrain Generator must perform incase of repeated validation failure by the Rules provided by the User

ScaledGen.setMapSize(rowSize, columnSize)

Sets the Size of the Map. Check Limitations Heading for indepth status of ScaledJS.

Rectangular Maps are right now Not Supported.

Supported Map Sizes: 9, 17, 33, 65, 129, 257, 513, 1025, 2049, 4097, 8193


Add a new Terrain to the Map.

	key : 'layer_hill',
	label : 'Hilly Terrain',
	max : 100,
	min : 75,
	zLevel : 1,
	type : 'decoration',
	default : true
  • key - string - Required

    Specify the a unqiue key for the layer. Later use this key to define other Conditions and Parameters.

  • label - string - Required

    Human Readable name for the layer. (has a future use trust me).

  • max - int - Required - Range (0,100) (Inclusive)

    Maximum Value to be used to represent this Layer (Note more than One Layer can have Overlapping Values, used the zLevel param to define which comes first).

  • min - int - Required - Range (0,100) (Inclusive)

    Minimum Value to be used to represent this Layer (Note more than One Layer can have Overlapping Values, used the zLevel param to define which comes first).

  • zLevel - int - Optional

    Indicates the Z Index of the Layer incase of Overlapping. If your Layers aren't overlapping no need to use this.

  • type - string - Optional

    Type of Layer. Regular Layers have type as 'terrain', for Materials like Trees, Bushes or other decorative Items.

  • default - boolean - Optional

    Mark one Layer as Default. Important as the layer with default:true has to be the first in layer domination array


Specify the Starting Condition of some part of the Map. Like: Telling the Map to have atleast one Hilly Area.

There are 4 Starting slots:

  • Top Left
  • Top Right
  • Bottom Left
  • Bottom Right

Areas of the Map.

	terrainKey: 'layer_plain', 
	minCount: 1,
	optionalPercent: 65
  • terrainKey - string - Required

    Specify the Terrain's Key to impose this condition on.

  • minCount - int - Required

    Specify how many slots of the 4 Starting slots to be a must have for this terrain.

  • optionalPercent - int - Required

    If there are any free slots left then what is the percentage that the free slot will be this terrain? The optionalPercent specifies this value.

For eg:

	terrainKey: 'layer_plain', 
	minCount: 1,
	optionalPercent: 65

The above code basically says:

  • There must be One Side of the Map which must have Plains (layer_plain)
  • Furthermore the rest free slots of the map will have a 65% chance of being a Plain Terrain


Add a Validation Rule for the Generation.

Note: Validation Rules are "Post Generation Rules". That means the map is tested for Validity after the algorithm. But wait! There's more. If the Terrain Generation fails to meet the Terrain Criteria at first run, a Validity Report is generated. And will (soon) be fed into the Algorithm. This will make the Terrain Generator Auto Correct it's mistakes. And making sure the Generation will produce suitable output on second run.

	terrainKey : 'layer_water',
	minPercent : 5
  • terrainKey - string - Required

    Specify the Terrain's Key to impose the Validation Rule on.

  • minPercent - int - Range (0,100) (Inclusive)

    Minimum Percentage of that Terrain must be in the Map.

  • maxPercent - int - Range (0,100) (Inclusive)

    Maximum Percentage of that Terrain must be in the Map.


Regular Terrains

Add Texture Information About each Layer.

Gid Data is given as:

	terrainKey: 'layer_plain',
	tiles: [{
		type: "enclosing-tiles",
		placement: "top",
		leftValue: 4,
		rightValue: 6,
		topValue: 5
	}, {
		type: "enclosing-tiles",
		placement: "bottom",
		leftValue: 18,
		rightValue: 20,
		bottomValue: 19
	}, {
		type: "enclosing-tiles",
		placement: "left",
		leftValue: 11
	}, {
		type: "enclosing-tiles",
		placement: "right",
		rightValue: 13
	}, {
		type: "excluding-tiles",
		placement: "top",
		leftValue: 8,
		rightValue: 9,
	}, {
		type: "excluding-tiles",
		placement: "bottom",
		leftValue: 15,
		rightValue: 16,
	}, {
		type: "other-tiles",
		placement: "all",
		fullValue: 2
	}, {
		type: "closed-tiles",
		placement: "open",
		topValue: 22,
		rightValue: 23,
		bottomValue: 24,
		leftValue: 25,
		noneValue: 26,
	}, {
		type: "closed-tiles",
		placement: "parallel",
		topBottom: 27,
		leftRight: 28
	}, {
		type: "open-tiles",
		placement: "open",
		topValue: 29,
		rightValue: 30,
		bottomValue: 31,
		leftValue: 32,
		noneValue: 33
	}, {
		type: "open-tiles",
		placement: "parallel",
		topBottomValue: 34,
		leftRightValue: 35

This Image will help you understand what each part of the JSON signifies:

alt text

Decoration Layers

To add a Decoration Layer you first need to add a Layer to the generator. Then Specify the Tile Information. (Refer the Working Example for a more clear Idea on how a decoration Layer works)

	key : 'layer_bushes',
	label : 'Bushes',
	max : 65,
	min : 30,
	type : "decoration"

alt text

The following Tile Information is used for Decoration Layers

	terrainKey : 'layer_bushes',
	decoration: {
		placementPercent: 45,
		overlap: false,
		edgePlacement: false,
		zLevel: 1
	tiles: [{
		type: "decoration",
		decorationKey: "bush_1",
		value: 82,
		weight: 50
	}, {
		type: "decoration",
		decorationKey: "bush_2",
		value: 83,
		weight: 50
	}, {
		type: "decoration",
		decorationKey: "bush_3",
		value: 84,
		weight: 10
  • placementPercent - int - Required - Range (0,100) (Inclusive)

    Percentage to be used as a probability to check if the given Layer can be placed at a tile. (like 45% chance of having a Rock in a Water tile)

  • overlap - boolean - Optional - (Default: false)

    Specify the Decoration Layer is overlappable with other Decoration Layers.

  • edgePlacement - boolean - Optional - (Default: false)

    Maximum Percentage of that Terrain must be in the Map.

  • zLevel - int - Optional - (Default: 0)

    If you are using Overlapping Terrains, use this to specify which Layer will be ahead of the other.

  • tiles - array - Required

    The tiles have an extra key called weight. It signifies the probability of that type of "decoration" to appear on a selected cell by the engine. The main purpose of this is to have variable textures like Layer trees can have variable textures yet be the same Layer trees. The more the weight the more probable is the cell to appear when compared to the others in the array.


Default Terrain must come at the 0th index of this array else may lead to untested behavior

Currently Specifies the Priority in which the layers standout to each other. Based on that the TMX is rendered. This will be usefull when you have 3 or more types of Terrain Layers. No need to provide Decoration Layers here. Only those terrains that are used in Terrain Generation.

	dominationPriority: ['layer_water', 'layer_plain']


Add Information Regarding the TileSet used in your TMX Map.

	source: 'origin_tileset.png',

Options are pretty self-explanatory


Main Function which starts the Map Generation Process.


Function to return TMX Map XML which can further be used in Cocos or other Game Engines

TODO / In-Progress

  • Panoramic Maps - Allowing Maps to continue Horizontally, Vertically or Both!
  • Enabling More Terrain Layer Support - Tested with 3 Terrain Layers (and lots of Decoration Layers).
  • Optional Hook for Developers when the Actual Adjacency Placement Rules are applied
  • Enabling Better Progress Reporting from ScaledJS
  • Allowing Terrain Layers to have Variable Textures also



I don't own any textures used in this Image. They are used for Illustrative Purposes only.