
React Native Firebase Bridge

Primary LanguageJava

React Native Firebase Bridge

A bridge to the native SDK's for iOS and Android.

iOS and Android SDK support offline mode's which the node / web SDK does not. There's also some other issues at the time of writing with the web SDK when used in React Native.

Very much a WIP. API aims to match the Firebase Web API. Due to the fact that all communication between native and JS is async most functions return promises.

For the time being exposed API will change without warning while main functionality is implemented.


npm install --save rn-firebase-bridge


In your Firebase console follow the instructions for adding iOS to your project.

Your Podfile should have at least:

pod 'Firebase'
pod 'Firebase/Database'
pod 'Firebase/Auth'

Open the Xcode project, right click on Libraries and click Add Files to "MyApp". Navigate to node_modules/rn-firebase-bridge and click the ios directory. You may wish to rename it to something more obvious (ie. FirebaseBridge).

You will also need to create a Swift bridging header

#import "RCTBridge.h"
#import "../node_modules/rn-firebase-bridge/ios/FirebaseBridge.h"

Also make sure your Other linker flags setting under Build Settings includes $(inherited).


In your firebase console follow the instructions for adding Android to your project.

Run react-native link.




One of 'value', 'child_added', 'child_removed', 'child_changed', 'child_moved'


string | number | null


    uid: string;
    email: ?string;
    displayName: ?string;
    photoUrl: ?string;
    anonymous: boolean;


createUserWithEmail(email:string, password:string) : Promise

import { createuserWithEmail } from 'rn-firebase-bridge/auth';

createUserWithEmail('test@example.com', 'pass1234').then(user => {
    console.log(user.email, user.uuid);

signInWithEmail(email:string, password:string) : Promise

import { createuserWithEmail } from 'rn-firebase-bridge/auth';

signInWithEmail('test@example.com', 'pass1234').then(
    user => console.log(user),
    error => console.log(error)

Error code will match one of the values described here

signInAnonymously() : Promise

import { signInAnonymously } from 'rn-firebase-bridge/auth';

    user => console.log(user),
    error => console.log(error)

Error code will match one of the values described here

addAuthStateDidChangeListener(callback:({user:User}) -> void)

import { addAuthStateDidChangeListener } from 'rn-firebase-bridge/auth';

addAuthStateDidChangeListener(payload => {



endAt(value:number|string|boolean|null, key:?string) : Query

equalTo(value:number|string|boolean|null, key:?string) : Query

limitToFirst(limit:number) : Query

limitToLast(limit:number) : Query

on(eventType:EventType, cb:((snapshot:DataSnapshot) => Promise)) : () => void

Listen for a change event. Returns a function to remove the listener.

Because fetching a snapshot is asynchronous and then any further actions on that snapshot are also asynchronous (including fetching it's children, which are also snapshots) we have to cache the snapshots on the native side to allow further queries. We don't want to cache them forever, just until the consumer is done with it but without relying on manual release. The callback must return a promise which, when it resolves or rejects, causes the snapshot to be released on the native side. Because of async/await this isn't too onerous:

ref.on('value', async (snapshot) => {
    await snapshot.forEach(async (child) => {
        console.log('Child value:', async child.val());
    console.log('Value is': await snapshot.val());

once(eventType:EventType, cb:((snapshot:DataSnapshot) => Promise)) : () => void

orderByChild(path:string) : Query

orderByKey() : Query

orderByPriority() : Query

orderByValue() : Query

startAt(value:number|string|boolean|null, key:?string) : Query

toString() : Promise

Resolves to full URL for this location.


Extends Query.

import Database from 'rn-firebase-bridge/database';

const ref = Database.ref();

child(path:string) : DatabaseReference

Create a child at specified path. Can be chained.

import Database from 'rn-firebase-bridge/database';

const item = Database.reference().child('shop').child('packages').push().child('items').push();

push() : DatabaseReference

Push a new item onto a list.

setValue(value:any) : Promise

Set value and return a promise that resolves when complete. Will reject on failure.

setValueWithPriority(value:any, priority:Priority) : Promise

As above but set value with priority.

remove() : Promise

Remove value with a promise that resolves on completion.

setPriority(priority:Priority) : Promise

Set priority and return a promise that resolves when complete. Will reject on failure.


Whenever a listener is called for a data event a DataSnapshot is passed.

child(path: string) : DataSnapshot

exists() : Promise

exportVal() : Promise

hasChild(path:string) : Promise

hasChildren() : Promise

numChildren() : Promise

val() : Promise

forEach(cb:(snapshot:DataSnapshot) => Promise) : Promise

As with DatabaseReference.on the callback should return a promise to indicate the snapshot is no longer needed. If your promise returns true then no further iteration will occur.

snapshot.forEach(async (child) => {
    const value = await child.val();
    if (value === "abc") {
        // Cancel enumeration
        return true;

getPriority() : Promise