Low Curvature Activations Reduce Overfitting in Adversarial Training

Implementation and experiments fo the paper low curvature activations reduce robust overfitting.

It has been shown that for adversarial training robust accuracy decreases as you train longer [1]. In our work, we show that choice of activation function has a significant impact on the robust overfitting phenomenon and the double descent generalization curves. For more details read our paper on arxiv.

This repository was forked over and implemented from original implementation of the robust overfitting paper here.

To run experiments with different activation functions, for CIFAR-10 -
python train_cifar.py --activation <specify_act_fn>

To run experiments with different activation functions, for CIFAR-10 -
python train_cifar100.py --activation <specify_act_fn>

Use generate_validation.py to generate validation dataset, and specify --val flag to run experiments with validation dataset. All the activation functions considered in the paper, and several more are listed in train_cifar.py --activation flag.

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      title={Low Curvature Activations Reduce Overfitting in Adversarial Training}, 
      author={Vasu Singla and Sahil Singla and David Jacobs and Soheil Feizi},


[1] Overfitting in adversarially robust deep learning