
MyFiziqSDK Cordova Plugin offering.

Primary LanguageCSSApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

MyFiziq Logo

Cordova/PhoneGap plugin of the MyFiziq SDK. Allows Cordova/PhoneGap based projects to be able to utilize MyFiziq technology.


  1. Add the MyFiziqSDK Cordova Plugin to the Cordova Project:
cordova plugin add https://github.com/MyFiziqApp/cordova-plugin-myfiziq.git
  1. Add the iOS platform to the Cordova Project:
cordova platform add ios

When the ios platform add command is run, the MyFiziqSDK Cocoapod and dependencies will be downloaded and integrated into the Cordova Project.

Use example

In the Cordova App project, edit www/js/index.js and implement the following:

onDeviceReady: function() {
    var success = function() {
        alert("MyFiziqSDK setup success");
    var failure = function(msg) {
        alert("MyFiziqSDK setup failed");
    myfiziq.mfzSdkSetup("MYFIZIQ KEY", "MYFIZIQ SECRET", "MYFIZIQ ENV", success, failure);

myfiziqGetAuthToken: function() {
    var success = function() {
        alert("MyFiziqSDK auth success");
    var failure = function(msg) {
        alert("MyFiziqSDK auth failed");
    myfiziq.mfzSdkAnswerLogins("IDP KEY", "IDP TOKEN", success, failure);

Where: MYFIZIQ KEY and MYFIZIQ SECRET are the token and secret keys provided by MyFiziq for the App. MYFIZIQ ENV indicates what environment the app is associated to, which can either be staging or prod.

NOTE: Be sure to answer the auth token request by facilitating the AWS Cognito Federated Identity service requirement by passing the idP key and token to the mfzSdkAnswerLogins() function call. See: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/CognitoIdentity.html#getId-property for more information.

If user not logged in, pass empty strings to the answer function, for example: myfiziq.mfzSdkAnswerLogins("", "", success, failure);.

Example Project

An example React Native project is available for reference on how to integrate this plugin: https://github.com/MyFiziqApp/cordova-plugin-myfiziq-example

Custom styling with CSS

The MyFiziqSDK UI can be customised to a high degree of flexibility using CSS. The iOS SDK uses the InterfaCSS framework to bind the CSS stylings to the native UI. By simply distributing a custom CSS file with the APP and calling the mfzSdkLoadCSS method to declare the CSS file path will cause the MyFiziq Avatar Creation Process UI to be customised. For reference, the base CSS can be refered to to here.


MyFiziq iOS Dev, dev@myfiziq.com