
Telegram bot to doing daily quests

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Telegram Crew3

The script allows you to manage multiple Crew3 accounts, using a telegram bot as a user interface.

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Implemented features

  1. Sign to crew3 site by private key
  2. See account(s) info
  3. Claim daily quests and tasks without requirements
  4. Submit and claim quiz and text quests
  5. Invites/leaves communities
  6. Check your rank and level
  7. Search new communities by crew3 tags (NFT, Protocol, Startup and etc)

TODO list (maybe someday)

  1. Twitter auto-follow/retweet/reply/like functions
  2. Discord auto-join
  3. Open to your suggestions - https://t.me/Salcez


  1. Create telegram bot by https://t.me/BotFather
  2. Find out your telegram ID by bot https://t.me/getmyid_bot
  3. Rename env to .env and input data


  1. Bot use local sessions.json database with your cookies
  2. Bot can share your answers to public answers database only if you want to share it
  3. You can use our own answers database by changing url in answers-database.ts

Setup bot

  1. Download ZIP and extract it to a folder (or better use git(https://git-scm.com/) for getting updates)
  2. Install node.js: https://nodejs.org/en/ (LTS)
  3. Open folder with the bot in cmd
cd <path to folder with script>
  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Start
npm run serve
  1. Go to your created telegram bot and send /start

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