
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

ECE 143 Project: Monkey Pox Data Analysis

Team Members: Vatsalya Chaubey, Abhishek Suryavanshi, Raymond Urbina, Shayne Wang

Table of Contents:

All the plots and analysis is present in the form of an interactive dashboard here.

Directory Structure

|____ __init__.py
|____ analysis.py
|____ clean.py
|____ utils.py
|____ visualizations.py
|__ main.py
|__ requirements.txt
|__ EDA_analysis.ipynb

Instructions to run project:


Create a virtual environment

conda create -n monkey_pox Python=3.6

Clone the repository

git clone git@github.com:vatch123/Monkey-Pox.git

Change the directory

cd Monkey-Pox

Install all the dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the jupyter notebook EDA_analysis.ipynb cell by cell to go through the EDA and the analysis.

You can also run the main.py file to see the interactive plots by running the following command

streamlit run main.py

Directory Files:

  • init.py: Indicates that the files in a folder are part of a Python package.
  • analysis.py: File contains analysis code for how hospitalization is affected by gender, age etc.
  • clean.py: This cleans the data from the data sets by removing the unwanted nans and replacing them with NA. It also formats the data for the required columns for writing out to the clean data CVS file.
  • utils.py: This file contains the methods for reading and writing to Pandas data frames and other utilities.
  • visualizations.py: This file has all the code to create visualization plots for the project.
  • main.py: This file builds a streamlit app which helps us serve all our visualizations in an interactive way.
  • EDA_analysis.ipynb: Exploratory Data Analysis file is a Jupyter notebook reads in the clean data sets in terms of dataframes.

Data Directory:

This folder contains CSV data files that were used for the project, which includes both the raw data and clean data.

Plots Directory:

This folders contains all the plots generated for the project.

Project Motivation:

In May of 2022 a rare case of Monkeypox was diagnosed in the UK. Soon after, many other cases were reported in other areas of the world. Our motivation was to fulfill the ECE 143 project requirement but also learn about the spread of Monkeypox and predict the future of Monkeypox.

Presentation Directory:

The presentations slides are in the presentation folder in pdf form.

Youtube Presentation Link:

The link to the presentation video - https://youtu.be/cmSSiGZaN6I