
The above script is for automating a standalone EC2 Instance on AWS and configuring it to serve a basic HTML page.


Ansible 2.0 or greater

Python 2.7 or greater




Details related to the scripts:-

1> There are 3 files in the repository namely main.yml, Instance_setup.yml, Instance_config.yml

2> main.yml file is for orchestrating the entire setup which has references to both Instance_setup.yml and Instance_config.yml

3> Instnace_setup.yml is a ansible script to setup a EC2 instance on AWS with additonal thing like securing the instance that will be created.

4> Instance_config.yml is a ansible script to configure the instance by setting up nginx (webserver), Self signed SSL certificate, setting up a basic html page and running tests t check the configurations.

Steps to Execute the script:-

1> From any path on your system clone the repository

git clone

2> Open the SREChallenge folder

3> Open Instance_setup.yml and make changes on lines 9,10,25,28,35,41,42,43,58,65,67,70 because these are environment specific variables and differ from one AWS environmentto other.

4> After the changes are done we are ready to execute the script

5> Execute the folowing command to trigger the execution

ansible-playbook main.yml