Simulate print spoller

Copyright (C) 2015 V. Atlidakis

COMS W4187 Fall 2015, Columbia University

Project structure

  • Makefile: build, (un)install, test, exec
  • include/: Header file for defines
  • src/addqueue.c: Implements addqueue command
  • src/rmqueue.c: Implements rmqueue command
  • src/showqueue.c: Implements showqueue command
  • scripts/ Format checking script
  • tests: contain some test media files


  • Each file added in the queue is named after a 16-bytes unique file identifier randomly created from /dev/urandom.

  • The installation needs root priviledges to:

    • Create a user "print_spoller"
    • Create a directory "/var/print_spooler"
    • Change owner, enable setuid bit, and copy executables under /bin


  • Please supress stderr before running scripts to automatic parsing of output messages, since standard error is utilized for some error messages


  • make [build]


  • make install


  • make test


  • make exec_showqueue
  • make make exec_addqueue ARGS="./bin/addqueue ./bin/rmqueueu ./bin/*"
  • make exec_rmqueue ARGS="nop"