
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Online Product Listing UI

This is a simple tool built with React and Chakra UI that uses the Open AI chat completion API to extract the best keywords from any given text.

How to use

Get the source

$ git clone https://github.com/vatsaaa/oplui.git


Download the source code without from here


Install dependencies

$ npm install

Rename .env.example to .env and add your API key. You can get your key at OpenAI API.


Important: Your API key is not secure as there is no backend. If you decide to use this tool in production, you should add a backend to it and store the API key there.

Run in dev mode:

Start local API (only for dev mode)

$ echo "VITE_DEV=true" >> .env

Provision a fresh database

$ node tools/createMockDb.js 

Start local API

$ node tools/apiServer.js

Start the UI:

$ npm run dev

Open this link with your browser to see the result.

Check for production mode readiness

Build for production:

$ npm run build

Preview production distributable

npm run preview


Build production container

$ docker build -f Dockerfile.prd -t opl-ui-img-0107052023 .

Run production container

$ docker run --rm -d -p 3000:80 opl-ui-img-0107052023

Build development container

$ docker build -f Dockerfile.dev -t opl-ui-img-0107052023 .

Application is server here

Run development server

$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/src:/app/src:ro -d -p 3000:5173 opl-ui-img-06052023

**For windows

  1. Consider using Power Shell and replace $(pwd) with %cd%
  2. If for any reason you cannot, replace $(pwd)/src with the absolute path of src folder
  3. Replace / with \ as needed
  4. Use this run command docker run --rm -e CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING=true -v $(pwd)/src:/app/src:ro -d -p 3000:5173 opl-ui-img-06052023 **

Now, you can edit files on your local and they will be reflected in the container and on your running local instance.

Handy docker commands

Attach to a running server

docker exec -i -t <container-name-or-id> <shell-executable>

-i: keep STDIN (standard input) open -t: attach a pseudo-TTY (terminal) to the container's shell

Some docker flags explained

Application is served here

-v: is bind mount volume mapping -p: port forwarding from local to container :ro - is read-only, which prevents container saving files to your directory -e: flag can be used to pass environment variables --env-file : pass environment variables from a file

Chakra UI

Chakra UI crash course


MIT License


Working with axios Dockerize your React app CI/CD workflow on GitHub for React app Container Security https://www.kinetica.com/blog/gpus-transformed-xva-pricing-risk-calculations/ https://financialit.net/news/cloud/hsbc-counterparty-credit-risk-and-valuation-adjustments-google-cloud-case-study https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/blueprint-enterprise-architecture-richard-moran/ https://blog.protiviti.com/2018/07/02/blueprint-change-capability-reference-architecture-can-help-map-road-organizational-transformation-part-1-2/ https://www.leanix.net/en/wiki/ea/reference-architecture Implementing the Strategy Pattern using LLMs 5 Tools for Effortless Data Science How Large Language Models Will Revolutionize Software Engineering Chatbot with Langchain and Pinecone Chunking Strategies