
This project is a System Monitor for Linux platform and helps users taking useful information for the system usage, like Cpu, Memory and process Utilisation and others.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Linux System Monitor

System Monitor

The Linux System Monitor app, was made as part of Udacity's C++ Nanodegree Program. The Linux System Monitor allows users to observe live some of the main OS informations and the resources that is taken by runing processes in a Linux Operating System. This is the OS name, the OS kernel version, like CPU and memory percentage of usage, the number of the system processes, the system up-time. In more detailed users can se for each of the process infos like process ID, the user started it, the CPU usage, the memory consuming, the up-time and by wich command started.

Dependencies for Running Locally


ncurses is a library that facilitates text-based graphical output in the terminal. This project relies on ncurses for display output.

Within the Udacity Workspace, .student_bashrc automatically installs ncurses every time you launch the Workspace.

If you are not using the Workspace, install ncurses within your own Linux environment: sudo apt install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev

Compiling and Running


This project uses Make. The Makefile has four targets:

  • build compiles the source code and generates an executable
  • format applies ClangFormat to style the source code
  • debug compiles the source code and generates an executable, including debugging symbols
  • clean deletes the build/ directory, including all of the build artifacts


  1. Clone the project repository: git clone https://github.com/vatsilidis/Cpp-Linux-System-Monitor.git

  2. Build the project: make build

  3. Run the resulting executable: ./build/monitor

  4. Ready!

Starting System Monitor


Used resources

The starter code for System Monitor Project.
