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MediaLive Thumbnail Detection with Rekognition

Getting Started with the AWS CDK

  • Prerequisites:
    • Install Node.js:

      All supported languages, Python, Java, or C# use the same backend, which runs on Node.js. AWS recommends selecting a version in active long-term support.

    • Install the AWS CDK Toolkit:

      • npm install -g aws-cdk
    • Bootstrap your AWS Account

      You must run bootstrap your AWS account to deploy CDK solutions. This command has to be run at least once per AWS Account:

      • cdk bootstrap

Deploy this Solution:

Note: This solution assumes an active MediaLive Channel is running

  • Clone with repo to your local compute system:

    • git clone https://github.com/vaughngit/cdk-ts-medialive-preview-thumbnail-rekognition.git
  • Navigate to the root of the directory:

    • cd cdk-ts-medialive-preview-thumbnail-rekognition\
  • Install the project binaries

    • npm install
  • Deploy the solution to your AWS account

    Update the snsEmail and channelId parameter values to reflect your environment:

    • cdk deploy --parameters snsEmail=myemail@example.com --parameters channelId=1234567 --parameters pipelineId=0

      The specified email will receive a SNS Subscription Confirmation email upon successful deployment. Be sure to click the confirmation link in the email to receive notifications from the solution when a sports streaming event is detected.

    For more information on parameters see AWS documentation for CloudFormation Parameters in CDK:

Create Additional Schedulers:

  • You do not need to deploy this solution multiple times to monitor additional MediaLive Channels or modify the scheduler. Simply create additional custom schedules to leverage this solution on multiple MediaLive Channels and invoke monitoring at different time intervals.

  • see instructions here

Clean Up Instructions

  • Delete all resources created by the CDK Project

    • cdk destroy
    • type y to confirm deletion
  • If created additional schedulers remember to run the terminal commands labeled with delete scheduler: text for each additional scheduler created via the AWS CLI and AWS Lambda as provided here .

Other Useful commands

  • The cdk.json file tells the CDK Toolkit how to execute your app.
  • npm run build compile typescript to js
  • npm run watch watch for changes and compile
  • npm run test perform the jest unit tests
  • cdk deploy deploy this stack to your default AWS account/region
  • cdk diff compare deployed stack with current state
  • cdk synth emits the synthesized CloudFormation template