
modern-js-quiz-vaughnwalters created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJavaScript

When your work in complete, push up the branch (git push origin quiz) and submit the pull request on Github.


Code/Tools Requirements

  1. Use ES6 language features wherever you can. At a minimum, you should be using let, const, fat arrows, property shorthand, method properties, and string templates.
  2. Have a Gulp task running at all times to validate your JavaScript. We will be validating your project and we should see 0 errors.
  3. You must have a test suite that validates the core logic of the application.
  4. You must use jQuery for interacting with the DOM.

Base Logical Requirements

You'll be building robots to battle each other.

  1. A base Robot function.
  2. Define three robot type functions (e.g. Drone, Bipedal, ATV).
  3. Define at least 2 specific robot model functions for each type.
  4. Give each robot model a different range of health. For example, one model can have health range of 50-80, and another one will have a range of 60-120. To accomplish this, read about the Math.random() function in JavaScript.
  5. Give each robot model a different range of damage they do using the same technique.

Base Functional Requirements

  1. When your user interface first loads, provide 2 text inputs to name the two robots that will do battle.
  2. You must also provide a select element underneath each text input so that the user can select one of the 6 robot models you defined.
  3. Provide a Attack! button that, when clicked, simply applies the damage output of each robot against the other one.
  4. Once either robot's health is <0 display a message that the battle is over, and which one won. For example...
The Viper Drone defeated the Behemoth ATV with its flamethrower.