
Lightweight Python ORM(-ish) for Redis ◼ abandoned ◼

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Lightweight ORM-ish convenience wrapper around redis-py.

Build Status

If you have any suggestions and improvements, don't hesitate to post them in issues. For feature requests use the feature-request label.


There're 2 main types of fields: embedded and standalone. ###Embedded fields

They are stored in a Redis hash linked to the primary key. Fused converts the value of an embedded field to string, due to limitations of Redis hashes. Values of missing embedded fields are None. To update an embedded field, assing something to it.

###Standalone fields

Each standalone field occupies a separate key. A standalone field can either be a proxy or an "auto" field.

####Proxy fields

A proxy field returns a special proxy object that pass the fully qualified name of the corresponding key as the first argument to all redis-py methods you invoke:

model.field.set('abc') # ≡ redis_connection.set(qualified_name, 'abc')
model.field.get() -> 'abc' # ≡ redis_connection.get(qualified_name)

Values of missing proxy fields are proxy objects.

####Auto fields

Auto fields accept and return instances of Python objects e.g. dict, set, int, etc. You can only assign to an auto field, access the value it holds, or delete it from Redis. Values of missing auto fields are empty objects of corresponding Python types i.e. '' for Strings and [] for Lists.

##Connection settings, encoding, return types

Fused decodes all strings coming from Redis (including individual elements/values/keys of auto fields) except for

  • values of Bytes fields, because that would defeat the purpose of Bytes fields
  • strings returned by methods of proxy objects, because it would be hard, and because proxy fields simply return what redis-py returns

This means that if you set decode_responses to a truthy value in redis.Redis(...) constructor, proxy fields methods will also return decoded strings. Note that you can't do that if your model has at least one Bytes field.

Just like in redis-py, the default encoding is UTF-8.


Fused has a special field type called Foreign. Foreign's constructor argument is a class or a class name of a foreign model. Upon initialization of a model, all foreign fields it holds get initialized as well. Somewhat expectedly, Fused only stores primary keys of Foreign objects.