React Component Testing: Scorekeeper

This Scorekeeper app offers opportunities for game freaks: keep track of your game stats and watch a history as well!

To give you a short overview:

On the home route /, you can create a new game with entering a name of the game and the names of the participating players.

After starting a game, you are redirected to /game, where you can increase, decrease or reset all scores. When you are finished, you can end the tracking of scores.

Every finished game is also visible in the /history overview.



Start the app and have a look at it in the browser: npm run dev

Discuss in the group:

  • Which features should be tested?
  • Which features should not be tested?

Writing Component Tests

The app offers a test file for every component. Each of these files contain acceptance criteria defining what should be tested. The tests for the HistoryEntry component have already been implemented, but they fail. The implementation of the other tests is missing.

Your task is to run npm run test, write the test implementations and make the tests pass.

💡 Note that, at the beginning, all tests passes (except the two in HistoryEntry which are currently skipped) because the testing blocks are empty. This will change while you are implementing the test.


Now it's time to write the first test on your own!

Switch to Navigation.test.js and check whether the navigation is rendered.

  • In the test file, next/router is already mocked, so you don't need to care about the routing.
  • The exact acceptance criteria is also already defined inside of the test case. You just have to implement the test code inside the return statement of the test() function.
  • An HTML <a> tag has the accessible role "link".


You can now go a step further and not only check for a component being rendered, but also for its callback function being called.

Switch to Input.test.js and write the tests for all given acceptance criteria.

  • To check for attributes like placeholder or name, you can use the matcher toHaveAttribute(attributeName, value).
  • The Input component receives an onChange callback; in order to test it, remember that you have to mock if first.
  • You can check how often a function has been called with toHaveBeenCalledTimes(numberOfExpectedCalls).


The Player component offers even more complexity, so let's dive deeper into testing and enhance your skills even more!

Switch to Player.test.js and write the tests for all acceptance criteria.

  • To find all buttons at once, there is getAllByRole which returns an array; you can then expect a specific toHaveLength(expectedNumber).
  • To check the callback functions of a component, remember to mock them first and then pass the mocked function to the rendered component.
  • Your does not call the mocked functions properly? Don't forget to use await.


Your testing skills are awesome! Get ready for the final task: testing the form!

Switch to GameForm.test.js and write the tests for all acceptance criteria.

  • In the test file, next/router is already mocked, so you don't need to care about the routing.
  • To check for the accessible name of the GameForm component, note that the accessible role of the HTML form component is "form".
  • To check the submitted form data, make sure to
    • mock the submit handle function first;
    • await all userEvents
    • expect the mocked submit function toHaveBeenCalledWith(submittedDataObject).
  • To find the correct form of the submitted data you are expecting, you might have to check the call of onCreateGame in the GameForm.js file.


After writing your first component tests, your task now is to read and understand existing tests. Afterwards you should be able to fix the bug in the tested component.

Check the HistoryEntry.test.js, it offers two test cases with their acceptance criteria:

  • "renders name of game and 'show score' button only"
  • "renders player names and scores after button click"

Note that both tests are currently skipped with the help of test.skip(...).

Remove the .skip method and run npm run test.

You will notice that both tests fail. Read the error message carefully and fix the bug in HistoryEntry/index.js so that the test passes again. (The tests are correct, but there is something wrong with the component).

Congratulations, you have fixed your first bug according to a failing test! 🎉



Select the "Browser" tab to view this project. If this project contains tests, select the "Tests" tab to check your progress.

💡 Please note that Next.js support on CodeSandbox is not great.

Local development

To run project commands locally, you need to install the dependencies using npm i first.

You can then use the following commands:

  • npm run dev to start the development server
  • npm run build to create a production build
  • npm run start to start the production build
  • npm run test to run the tests in watch mode (if available)

💡 This project requires a bundler. You can use npm run dev to start the development server. You can then view the project in the browser at http://localhost:3000. The Live Preview Extension for Visual Studio Code will not work for this project.