
New VergangenheitsAnalyse-Form

Closed this issue · 6 comments

New VergangenheitsAnalyse-Form

Value proposition

As an User
I want to click on "Vergangenheitsanalyse"
So that I can start filling out everything for a new Vergangenheitsanalyse/Past-Analysis



Acceptance criteria

  • have the fields to be required so i can not submit an empty form
  • take at least 1 interpretation
  • have a max. amount of symbols on the input fields
  • have the max. amount set to 500 for tall fields and to 200 for shorter inputs
  • in the revision part have fields with the interpretations as values and the possibility for me to revise these interpretations and change them
  • on submit save the files to an array "entries" with an unique id and type: "PastAnalysis",
  • use the entry-component to display the submitted data under the form


  • Create a new form called “PastAnalysisForm”.
  • Add fields to the form and make them required so that the user cannot submit an empty form.
  • Have at least one interpretation field as required.
  • Set the maximum amount of symbols to 500 for tall fields and 200 for shorter inputs.
  • Add fields revision with the interpretations as values and the possibility for the user to revise these interpretations
  • Save the files to an array “entries” with a unique id and type: “PastAnalysis” on submit.
  • Use the entry-component to display the submitted data under the form.

Hey there!

I think this is a userstorry that should be at least three stories :)
plus the submit does not lead to the display of the data anywhere. The user basically sends all the information nowhere.

what I suggest is:

  • 1 US is the form (no "add more"-functionality, no "why not"-modal)
    - the data shall be displayed somewhere. The easiest way is to display the data underneath the form in the same page.
  • 1 US for adding a new input field when the button is clicked
  • 1 US for the modal

Also the heading Tasks is missing with all its information.

@julialoeschel thank you for the review! I trimmed down the UserStory and will split it into three parts. The top/heading was part of another user story :)

great :)
without viewing the content in Detail - I see that still TASKS are missing.
try to check out other peoples USs to see what I mean.

Tasks are still missing

Wow, what a huge page, maybe you could move the from elements to individual pages so it doesn't seem too huge to the user? Otherwise very extensive your page 🙏🏻

@CarstenJahnke hey :) in a future UserStory I am going to convert that huge form into a conversational form, like a chatbot with several steps. right now i just want to implement the pure functionality of the form  👨🏼‍💻