CBASP Companion is an app designed to support people with chronic depression undergoing Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) therapy by giving them an app to do different situation-analyses. This App-Project is part of my Capstoneproject for 🐠 @NeueFische's WebDevelopment Bootcamp
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add kieslerkreis to chatbot
#50 opened by vaupunkt - 0
add styling
#66 opened by vaupunkt - 2
Entry Page
#1 opened by vaupunkt - 5
#5 opened by vaupunkt - 2
#4 opened by vaupunkt - 2
Delete Button on List-Page
#7 opened by vaupunkt - 0
Edit Entry
#11 opened by vaupunkt - 1
#8 opened by vaupunkt - 1
Delete Button on Entry Page
#10 opened by vaupunkt - 1
Add a new Analysis-Button
#12 opened by vaupunkt - 3
New Analysis-Page
#13 opened by vaupunkt - 6
New VergangenheitsAnalyse-Form
#16 opened by vaupunkt - 1
New InnereSituationsanalyse-Form
#17 opened by vaupunkt - 2
remove more interpretations
#30 opened by vaupunkt - 1
#62 opened by vaupunkt - 0
filtered symptoms-view
#54 opened by vaupunkt - 0
delete symptoms
#60 opened by vaupunkt - 0
moreInformation Page
#61 opened by vaupunkt - 0
add symptom-questionBot
#53 opened by vaupunkt - 1
#52 opened by vaupunkt - 1
add Readme-File
#51 opened by vaupunkt - 1
create ConversationalForm
#48 opened by vaupunkt - 1
add Kieslerkreis OverviewPage
#46 opened by vaupunkt - 0
add Kieslerkreis to resultspage
#41 opened by vaupunkt - 1
edit the kieslerkreis-position in entries
#42 opened by vaupunkt - 2
add hover/onClick on Kieslerkreis-Diagramm
#40 opened by vaupunkt - 1
add the Kieslerkreis
#39 opened by vaupunkt - 1
add more actionInterpretations
#32 opened by vaupunkt - 1
wanted outcome - extra field
#31 opened by vaupunkt - 1
add more Interpretations
#29 opened by vaupunkt - 1
new Zukunftsanalyse-Form
#18 opened by vaupunkt - 3
My Analyses Page
#6 opened by vaupunkt - 1
#3 opened by vaupunkt - 1
All Entries Page
#2 opened by vaupunkt