This is a Python wrapper for GitHub's GraphQL API.

At the moment of this writing, there was no package I could find that had features I needed (support for Projects) so I decided to start my own.

The module basically consists of auto-generate code using an excellent GraphQL library called sgqlc that does all the heavy lifting of interacting with a GraphQL endpoint in object-oriented way.

The schema.json and files were generated (just following sgqlc documentation) by running:

python \
    -m sgqlc.introspection \
    --exclude-deprecated \
    -H "Authorization: bearer ${TOKEN}" \ \

and then:

sgqlc-codegen schema schema.json

One benefit of GraphQL is to dynamically create queries and request only data needed for the particular case, however the module could still implements few frequently-used functions for convenience. For now, I'm including with couple of those.