
User settings to bring ShellScript (Bash) syntax highlighting to dotfiles

Dotfiles Syntax Highlighting for Sublime Text 2/3

Want ShellScript (Bash) syntax highlighting for your dotfiles? You're damn right you do!

Get Started

Install via Package Control

File Types Supported

  • .ackrc
  • .aliases
  • .antigen
  • .bash_aliases
  • .bash_profile
  • .bash_prompt
  • .bashrc
  • .brew
  • .curlrc
  • .editorconfig
  • .env
  • .envrc
  • .eslintignore
  • .exports
  • .extra
  • .functions
  • .git
  • .gitattributes
  • .gitconfig
  • .gitignore
  • .gitmodules
  • .hushlogin
  • .inputrc
  • .jsbeautifyrc
  • .jshintignore
  • .npmignore
  • .npmrc
  • .osx
  • .packages
  • .pkginit
  • .screenrc
  • .symlink
  • .zlogin
  • .zlogout
  • .zprofile
  • .zshenv
  • .zshrc
  • .zsh-theme
  • .zpreztorc
  • .xsessionrc
  • .wgetrc
  • symlink
  • symlink
  • zshrc
  • zshenv
  • zlogin
  • zlogout
  • zprofile
  • zpreztorc

If you want other file types add them in or submit a pull request.

