Simple Chat APP
simple one to one private chat app built with django and nodejs
About The Project
very simple chat app not for usage for sure or serving real world purpose but in the journey of building it i searched for alot of useful stuff related to django framework . also open the world for me to study real world applications system design and how they work and scaling to serve million of users . also i tried to practice on optimizing database quering and using docker + docker-compose.
it could be done using only django or node but i needed to build it with both just for practicing
and here some quick stuff in this project
- backend built with django .
- used mongodb and djongo library as ORM .
- using redis as chaching service to cache sessions and some repeated queries .
- nodejs server as socketio server .
- managed to implement socket authentication in nodejs using same session used in django .
- managed to dockerizing the app using docker-compose with redis/mongo/nginx/nodejs/django services .
- as backend dev i did my best for client-side logic and ui with help of simple vue-js and static html template .
database simple schema
Clone the repo
git clone
Build docker images
sudo docker-compose build
Run docker containers
sudo docker-compose up -d
open url in browser
- Adding fies/photo sharing .
- Adding messages indicators .
- writing tests .
- Refactor some codes .