- 10
LinkedHash(Map|Set) have weird complexity
#2727 opened by j-baker - 1
Enforce CONTRIBUTING rules with ArchUnit
#2924 opened by pivovarit - 3
- 1
jpms via module-info
#2946 opened by xenoterracide - 0
Lazy Try
#2947 opened by xenoterracide - 0
nullity annotations
#2945 opened by xenoterracide - 1
- 8
vavr-docs restoration
#2928 opened by pivovarit - 0
feat: Try.withResources().multi
#2934 opened by xenoterracide - 1
Try.withResources using the variable multiple times
#2933 opened by xenoterracide - 3
Easing friction from collection name conflicts with the standard library
#2930 opened by andreascasapu - 5
The SSL certificate for is expired
#2927 opened by yuokada - 4
vavr-jackson restoration
#2906 opened by pivovarit - 0
Introduction of CheckedConsumerN and ConsumerN
#2908 opened by Koziolek - 8
- 1
distinctBy but with last element
#2712 opened by ckosmowski - 8
JDK 21-23 Compatibility for 0.x branch
#2811 opened by pivovarit - 2
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 10
Roadmap Suggestions for 2.0.0
#2764 opened by EarthCitizen - 1
Vavr 0.10.4 affected by CVE-2020-15250
#2714 opened by galegofer - 11
Is 1.0.0 still a thing?
#2749 opened by ezoerner - 6
Avoid synchronized block or methods
#2760 opened by reda-alaoui - 19
poor implementation of hashCode of LinkedHashMap
#2733 opened by imrafaelmerino - 16
Checking for null _creates_ a null reference problem
#2711 opened by jbrains - 1
Array.appendAll throws exception, when trying to work with Enums
#2781 opened by Yuriy-CentricSoftware - 57 website down
#2756 opened by diversit - 8
Make Java17+ version and transform some classes to records (Tuples, Either, Try and Validation)
#2765 opened by Vyacheslav-Lapin - 0
Multimaps with ContainerType.SEQ are inefficient
#2783 opened by ric2016 - 3
Site fora do ar.
#2762 opened by CassioGangrel - 0
- 0
Add variadic <T1, T2, ...TN> peek()/tap() to FunctionN
#2755 opened by btoo - 0
- 1
A not-started future that is cancelled still runs.
#2750 opened by etsinko - 0
Question about Seq interface (methods relates '? extends' type like groupBy ..etc)
#2747 opened by usstwxy - 1 website down
#2741 opened by ToastShaman - 3
- 0
Support high degree zip and unzip
#2731 opened by sakaman - 2
Collect to map while dealing with collisions
#2722 opened by patrickguenther - 0
Peek() or tap() for tuples
#2723 opened by zatziky - 2
Seq.groupBy() preserving insertion order: guaranteed or accident of implementation?
#2716 opened by jbrains - 2
Introduce LinkedMap and LinkedSet interfaces
#2707 opened by YuriyGorvitovskiy - 0
CheckedConsumerTests pass whether the CheckedConsumer under test behaves correctly or not
#2720 opened by jbrains - 1
- 0
- 2
#2710 opened by jbrains - 0
- 4
Future.onSuccess swallowing exceptions
#2705 opened by galegofer