
rj-mode Spacemacs layer

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

rj-mode readme

Table of Contents


(Note: this is alpha. The rj-mode package only exists in this repo, in the local/ dir, for now).

rj-mode is a minor mode to automatically vertically-recenter the cursor following many jumping motions, including:

  • All Evil motion commands that add to the jumplist

    To do this, rj hooks into post-command-hook looking for any command with the command property :jump, which evil uses to mark commands that should store a jump point before executing.

  • Evil jumplist navigation (e.g. C-o / C-z)

    rj hooks into evil-jumps-post-jump-hook to catch these.

  • A configurable list of extra commands, including by default jumps to marks, next error, and changelist navigation

    rj installs after-advice to every command in rj-extra-commands when the mode is activated (and cleans up when it’s turned off).

I’m favouring hooks over advice where possible.

Inspired by this reddit post on /r/spacemacs.


It’s not in ELPA or anything right now. I just learned elisp like 5 minutes ago and I don’t know how the package manager thing works yet.

Clone the repo if you like, or use the Spacemacs layer if you want.

Toggle the mode:

(rj-mode 1)    ;; turn rj-mode on locally
(rj-mode -1)   ;; turn it off
(global-rj-mode 1)  ;; etc.
(global-rj-mode -1)

Or use the Spacemacs layer and toggle it with spacemacs/toggle-rj-mode or SPC t R.


rj-blacklist is a list of command name patterns to be excluded, that is, rj won’t recenter after these commands. This is useful for when the hooks for evil motions add recentering to commands you don’t want them to. By default evil-snipe’s t/f motions are on the blacklist (most of the time, when I use it, it’s not much of a real jump).

rj-extra-commands is a list of command names to add rj’s behaviour to. rj will add after-advice to each of these commands when it’s activated, and remove it when it’s deactivated.

If you edit rj-extra-commands, toggle rj-mode off and on again for it to take effect.

Key bindings

(Spacemacs only).

Key BindingDescription
SPC t RToggle rj-mode locally
SPC t C-RToggle global-rj-mode