
tryp is for making noise.

Primary LanguageRuby

Tryp is for making noise.

It is written for Ruby 1.9, has FFI wrappers for CoreMIDI, alsa and winmm.

Right now it can play MIDI with some half-decent timing, and smart notes
(you can use symbols like :C, :Db, or strings like 'C#', etc).

You can do a metronome yay.

Also now you can make it make polyrhythms and print out the tabs and
play them via MIDI (and control the bpm and stuff).


I wanted to use MIDIator, but it currently breaks with Snow Leopard and
is using Ruby DL, which breaks on 1.9 because the API's changed.

aberant has a MIDIator fork that is active and seems to be going in the
right direction.

More TODO:

make this do something cool.