
Smokeping with Nginx — configuration examples

MIT LicenseMIT

Smokeping with Nginx

Configuration examples

Because links to images generates with /smokeping/, all configs use this path for static files and images.


Very simple, but main page not in /smokeping/, main page is http://smokeping.example.com/cgi-bin/smokeping.cgi


Partialy used content of /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params, except of SCRIPT_FILENAME.


Like big.conf, but with redirect from wrong URLs to main page.


Ubuntu / Debian

Note: apache2- argument is using here to force APT to not install apache2 package, which is in recommends list of smokeping package. It is also possible to use --no-install-recommends, but then other useful packages will not be installed automatically.

Replace here "smokeping.example.net" by your DNS name:

export MYSITENAME="smokeping.example.net"
sudo apt-get -V install smokeping apache2-
sudo apt-get -V install fcgiwrap nginx
wget 'https://gitlab.com/vazhnov/smokeping_nginx/-/raw/main/best.conf'
sed -i -- s/smokeping\.example\.com/${MYSITENAME}/g best.conf
sudo chown -v root:root best.conf
sudo mv -v best.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/${MYSITENAME}.conf
sudo ln -v -s "../sites-available/${MYSITENAME}.conf" "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/${MYSITENAME}.conf"
sudo nginx -t
sudo service nginx reload

Then open an URL http://smokeping.example.net/smokeping/smokeping.cgi in a web-browser.


Useful links


Distributed under MIT license.