
Primary LanguageJava


images.nasa.gov API Documentation

API Root:


API Endpoints:


Performing a search

GET /search?q={q}


Name Type Description Nullable value? Validation Rule
q string Free text search terms to compare to all indexed metadata. YES Optional String
center string NASA center which published the media. YES Optional String
description string Terms to search for in “Description” fields. YES Optional String
description_508 string Terms to search for in “508 Description” fields. YES Optional String
keywords string Terms to search for in “Keywords” fields. Separate multiple values with commas. YES Optional String
location string Terms to search for in “Location” fields. YES Optional String
media_type string Media types to restrict the search to. Separate multiple values with commas. YES Media String
nasa_id string The media asset’s NASA ID. YES Optional UUID
photographer string The primary photographer’s name. YES Optional String
secondary_creator string A secondary photographer/videographer’s name. YES Optional String
title string Terms to search for in “Title” fields. YES Optional String
year_start string The start year for results. NO Year String
year_end string The end year for results. NO Year String

Validation rules example:

Name Format Allowed values Forbidden values
Mandatory String String Any String, Any Alphabet Broken format (String null, String empty, String spaces), Wrong type (Boolean (true / false), Int)
Optional String String Any String, Any Alphabet, String empty, String spaces Wrong type (Boolean (true / false), Int)
Year String String Format: YYYY Broken format (String null, String empty, String spaces), Wrong type (Boolean (true / false), Any other date, not YYYY)
Media String String Available types: “image”, “audio” Wrong type (Boolean (true / false), Any other not available type)
Optional UUID String Correct format, Only existing values Broken format (not UUID String, String null, String empty, String spaces), Wrong type (Boolean (true / false), Int), Not Existing (not existing UUID of correct format (random UUID), Change last symbol in existing UUID)

Functional test scenario example:

ID Scenario name Scenario steps Positive test expected result Negative test expected result
1 Search with valid param GET {baseUrl}/search?q=nasa Return Status Code = 200, Response body (not empty) format: JSON no
2 Search with invalid param for search key (white space before key) GET {baseUrl}/search? q=nasa no Return Status Code 400, With response body: "reason": "Invalid search parameter: q" format JSON
3 Search with invalid param: empty value GET {baseUrl}/search?q= no Return Status Code 400, With response body: "reason": "Expected 'q' text search parameter or other keywords." format JSON
4 Search with empty params for key and value GET {baseUrl}/search? = no Return Status Code 400, With response body: "reason": "Invalid search parameter: " format JSON
5 Search without any params GET {baseUrl}/search no Return Status Code 400, With response body: "reason": "Expected 'q' text search parameter or other keywords." format JSON
6 Search without any params GET {baseUrl}/search? no Return Status Code 400, With response body: "reason": "Expected 'q' text search parameter or other keywords." format JSON
7 Search with invalid params GET {baseUrl}/search& no Return Status Code 404, With response body" "404 Not Found. The resource could not be found." format HTML

Command for test run:

mvn clean test

Test report:

mvn allure:serve