use example: ./ -s 2016-11-01 -u 2016-12-01
- p - pause mode, for assessing commits
- a - git pull --rebase for every project
- s - since date, mirrors git --since arg. By default is yesterday
- u - since date, mirrors git --since arg. By default is today
use exmaples:
for full assesment ./ -p -a -s 2019-11-01 -u 2022-12-01
vieving: ./ -s 2016-11-01 -u 2016-12-01
where results would by like:
-, undecided: 13293, trusted: 16823, untrusted: 18745, notUniq: 198, sum: 49059, ./together
-, 1058, (sanitazed from 3424),, ./pablo-baikal
-, 46, (sanitazed from 46),, ./active-age-admin
- -- develper name with different emails
- undecided: 13293 -- undecided commits counter
- trusted: 16823 -- trusted commits counter
- untrusted: 18745 -- untrusted commits counter (decision not to trust)
- notUniq: 198 -- commits that are not uniq, like cherry-picks, etc
- sum: 49059 -- summory
- clone george to empty folder
- put repos on the same level
- run george from its folder
- its a really hardcoded project, so u shoulndt mess with folder structures or names
- the only thing u can config is user list, at the users.json