This projects includes both back-end (Keras, Flask with dependencies) and front-end/deployement (HTML, CSS, JS) parts. The project perform X-rays of human lungs classifiaction using Convolutional Neural Networks with automated image pre-processing and internal procedures. Saved files of inspected models are saved on specific folders in project directory.
Jupyter Notebook
- AI-ctrl
- AkezhSan Francisco Bay University
- AndyBaiMQCMontréal QC, Canada
- calEstee
- crebi6
- dubeyakshat07Robert Koch Institute
- elephantsofneptune
- Esraa-Elgemieikuwait
- franklinthonyDock Tech
- ibrahimali1221
- jeanchilgerFederal University of Fronteira Sul
- jeremykohn
- LucifergeneRed Hat
- luckyandrickyHebei University of Technology
- MohamedAbuAmiraGaza Strip
- Mustufa-kerawalaSydney, Australia
- PuyushKolkata, India
- rppradhan08Pune, Maharashtra, India
- Sardiirfan27ai_noid
- Shashank238Bangalore
- shubh-supekar
- somuncudayi
- SoulofRaziel
- soumyajit4419Bhubneswar,India
- Teodoro-labMérida, Yucatán
- vbookshelf
- velumahalingam
- vipulsarodeNew York
- xiangli980