
Code associated with the pre-print: https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.01724

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Approximating the Manifold Structure of Attributed Incentive Salience
from Large Scale Behavioural Data

A Representation Learning Approach Based on Artificial Neural Networks


Individuals' body and mind are subject to continuous changes driven by physiological, cognitive or affective processes. These changes are the constituent parts of so called "internal states" which can be thought as dynamical latent constructs able to modulate observable behaviour. Among these latent states, those related to reward and motivation processes are of pivotal importance.

In light of this, we propose a methodology for approximating such latent states using an ANN specifically designed on the basis of prior theoretical knowledge. By training the model to estimate the duration and intensity of future interactions between individuals and a diverse range of video games we obtain a latent representation showing similarities with the functional properties of attributed incentive salience, a particular type of psychobiological latent state related to motivation.


Due to commerical sensitivity and data protection regulations we are not allowed to pubblicly release the data employed in the present work. However, we will try to provide illustrative examples on the expected data format so to facilitate replication and extension to different contexts.

Behavioural Features

The behavioural features employed for this project comes from a specific area of application, namely: predicting the intensity of future interacions between individuals and videogames. They aim to be behavioural descriptor of how strong the interactions (i.e. game sessions) between an individual (i.e. an user) and an object (i.e. a videogames) are.

  • sess_order: order of the interaction in the sequence of considered interactions.
  • absence: time elapsed since the previous interaction.
  • sess_played_time: total duration of the interaction.
  • sess_time: ammount of time spent actively interacting with the game (it is always a fraction of session_played_time).
  • activity: total number of different actions perfromed during the interaction.
  • max_sess: maximum number of interactons recorded for a specific individual.
  • context: context from which the interaction comes from.

Examples Datasets

The interaction data obtained from each object, should be stored in separate .csv files located in the data\csv directory inside the project root directory. We report here some synthetic examples of the dataset we employed.

Dataset 1

user_id sess_order absence sess_played_time sess_time activity max_sess context
XXX 1 10 30 35 14 6 lis
XXX 2 20 5 15 1 6 lis
XXX 3 10 6 12 3 6 lis

Dataset 2

user_id sess_order absence sess_played_time sess_time activity max_sess context
YYY 1 40 4 7 43 2 hms
YYY 2 50 35 38 12 2 hms

Dataset N

user_id sess_order absence sess_played_time sess_time activity max_sess context
ZZZ 1 12 21 21 3 2 N
ZZZ 2 13 8 9 26 2 N

In order to generalize our approach to other fields of application, the required data should entail the concept of "interaction" meaning a fixed ammount of time during which an individual interact with an object. The intensity of this interaction must be quantifiable, the behavioural features we proposed can be a starting point but other ad-hoc measures can be employed. Each considered individual should at least have had 2 interactions with an object. Knowing the eaxact nature of the considered objects is not mandatory but each object must be distinguisheable from the others.

Estimating Attributed Saliency for Predicting the Intensity of Future Interaction


Blue, orange and green shapes represent respectively feedforward, embedding and LSTM layers. Embedding layers are a type of feedforward layers specifically designed for dealing with categorical inputs. Gray shapes indicate operations with no learnable parameters, such as array instantiation and concatenation. Stacked, transparent colouring indicates arrays with a sequential structure. Straight and curved arrows refer to the presence of feed-forward or recurrent information flow. The red highlight shows the portion of the model we hypothesize is inferring an approximation of attributed incentive salience

Hyper-parameters Tuning

Each trainable model in this project can have its hyper-parameters optimized through a range of tuning algorithms. Each model is a subclass of an AbstractHyperEstimator (that in turn is a subclass of a KerasTuner HyperModel) providing functions that allow to define blocks of tunable Keras layers. The available layers are Embedding, Dense and LSTM.

Defining a block only requires to specify the maximum number of layers and hidden units we want to explore (the lower bounds, step size and range of possible activation functions are pre-defined). If we want for example define a tunable block of fully connected layers we would call the relative method:

fc_block = _generate_fully_connected_block(
        hp=hp, # hp object provided by KerasTuner during optimization
        input_tensor=input_tensor, # input to the block of densely connected layers
        tag='dense', # identifier for all the layers in the block

Series of tunable blocks can then be combined for defining entire computational graphs (i.e. models):

from tensorflow.keras.models import Model
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Activation
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense

from modules.utils.model_utils.supervised import _AbstractHyperEstimator

class MyModel(_AbstractHyperEstimator):

  def __init__(self, model_tag, prob=False):
    self.model_tag = model_tag,
    # this determines if the model will use monte carlo dropout
    # for approximating bayesian inference (i.e. providing probabilistic predictions)
    self.prob = prob 
  def build(self, hp):
    self.dropout_rate = hp.Float(
    input_tensor = Input(
        shape=(None, ),
    embedding = self._generate_embedding_block(
        input_dim=100, # this is the size of the vocabulary

    recurrent = self._generate_recurrent_block(

    dense = self._generate_fully_connected_block(
    out = Dense(
    out = Activation(
    model = Model(
  return model

Embedding Extraction

Once our model is trained, it is possible to generate an encoder composed of all the transformations and relative parameters leading to the recurrent layer (red highlight in the Architecture section's figure). This is the portion of the model that we expected to approximate the amount of attributed incentive salience. It uses the intensity of past interactions, between an individual (here a player) and an object (here a specific game), for producing a single representation used to estimate the intensity of future ones.

When data from new individuals are passed as an input to the encoder, the model produces an array Z of shape N X h with h being the number of units in the recurrent layer and N the number of individuals.

How to Use


  1. Data Preparation
    Given a number of different datasets coming from various contexts (here different videogames) and a set of behavioural features the data_preparation script will first pre-process each dataset seprately, then create targets as the lead-1 version of each feature, concatenate all the the datasets in a single one, shuffle and splitting it in a tuning and validation set (making sure to not disrupt the sequential nature of the data) and finally storing the datasets as numpy arrays of size (batch_size, sequence_len, n_features). Each element in a batch correspond to a single user while sequence_len is the number of available sessions for that specific user. Here sequence_len has to be consistent within a batch but can vary freely between batches. This process of batch creation was repeated for all the model's inputs (i.e. behavioural and context features).
  2. Models Optimization Given a number of different trainable models (here ElasticNet, MultilayerPerceptron and our architecture) the model_optimization script will search for the best hyperparametrs using the tuning data and the procedure highlighted in the Hyper-parameters Tuning section. The optimization can be initiated calling the tune method of a model
from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping

from kerastuner.tuners import Hyperband

model = MyModel(model_tag='my_model')

# we instatiate a callback for halting training
stopper = EarlyStopping(

    tuner=Hyperband, # the chosen tuner
    generator=my_generator, # this is either a Keras generator or a list of numpy arrays
    # the following are tuner specific kwargs
  1. Models Comparison Once all the trainable models have had their hyperparameters tuned, this script will proceed at evaluating their perfromance on the validation set uing a K-Fold cross-validation strategy. The data will be divided in K non overlapping, equally sized groups and each model will be be iteratively fitted on K-1 folds and tested on the remaining one. The performance of each model will be recorded in a disaggregated fashion, computing the Symmetric Mean Percentage Error (SMAPE) separately for each context, target and time step. This script will then save a .csv for each fold in results\tables\models_perfromance including information about model size and efficiency. The .csv will have the following format:
context metric target value model session fitting_time parameters epochs fold_n
hmg SMAPE Future Session Time 0.95 Lag 1 2 0 1 1 0
hmg SMAPE Future Session Time 0.63 Lag 1 3 0 1 1 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
jc3 SMAPE Future Session Time 0.53 MLP 2 7088 641733 15 1
jc3 SMAPE Future Session Time 0.50 MLP 3 7088 641733 15 1
  1. Embedding Extraction After evaluating the performance of all the model, a series of scripts are used for extracting and processing the embedding learned by the best perfroming model.

    • Embedding Extraction: This script first fits a new model on 9 folds of data, builds an encoder made of all the operations carried out by the layers leading to the recurrent part of the model (i.e. the portion highlighted in red in the architecture section above) and finally transforms the remaining fold of data using the encoder and saves the result (i.e. the embedding) locally.
    • Data Container: This script creates an utility DataContainer object. A DataContainer offers a convenient interface for storing and accessing a series of metadata (e.g. inputs, predictions, ground truth values) used for model evaluation and visual analysis of the embeddings.
    • Dimensionality Reduction: This script performs dimensionality reduction on the extracted embeddings using both UMAP and PCA. the reduction is performed separatly for each time step.
    • Alligned Dimesnionality Reduction: This script perform dimensionality reduction on the extracted embeddings using UMAP. Differently from the previous script, each embedding is reduced in such a way that the relationship between each point (i.e. the embedding generated for a specific user) is maintained over time. See this page on the UMAP documentation for further clarification.


We link here to frozen HTML versions of Jupyter Notebook containing a large part of analyses developed for this project. Here the code used for running the analyses as well as some ancillary results (not reported in the pre-print due to space constrains) can be found.

EDA and Performance Analysis

  1. Exploratory Data Analysis
  2. Models Performance Analysis

Representation Analysis

  1. UMAP Analyses
  2. Activations Analyses
  3. Temporal UMAP Analyses

Partition Analysis

  1. Partitioning and Behavioural Profiles Extraction