
Initial tasks

  • Make a page to display USD/EUR currency rates to RUB for the last month
  • Page should have 2 tabs, first with a table and second with a chart
  • Prices must be obtained from the page https://www.cbr.ru/currеncy_bаse/dаily.аspx?dаte_rеq=XXX
  • The cells with max/min rates should be highlighted with colors
  • Application should have as less connections to source as possible in every day usage


  • angular-cli, can be installed through npm -g install angular-js
  • jdk8

How to run

  • You can run both server and client parts with ./gradlew bootRun --parallel from the root
  • Client is available from http://localhost:4200/
  • Server is reachable from http://localhost:8080/currency?monthsToAdd=-1

Realisation details

As requested I've used Grails 3 and Bootstrap to accomplish this exercise. As you can notice the controller part is made in asynchronous way, because it matters. Since Servlet API v3 we can do standard java web applications in unblocking way. Honestly speaking it's not the best manner to do not blocking apllications, more robust solutions can be done with Vert.x ou Play 2 / Netty.

Reactive Extensions

Not blocking part is covered with rxGroovy, I didn't add any error handling because the CBR usage seems to be pretty straightforward, if needed it can be easily done with Reactive Extensions.


All CBR requests are cached, I did not use any standard Grails/Spring component because it does not seem to work quite well with rxGroovy and honestly speaking I was looking for more flexible solution rather than configurable composition. That's why I have used Guava memory cache manager.

HTML Crawling

This exercise requires to work with plain HTML page rather than with web service. In true live I would strongly recommend you to use some 3rd party service like Yahoo or Google currency instead of HTML crawling.


Tests are important ... Mostly all server parts are covered with unit tests. I did't write any functional/integration because I prefer to use external frameworks such cucumber for purposes of e2e or integration testing. Client part doesn't have a stong test coverage, lack of time.


Client part is covered with Angular2, TypeScript, RxJS and Bootstrap.