
Automated Accurate Accounting Collaborative System

Primary LanguageRust


aaacs is a simple tool to balance spendings between multiple people. It is based on a simple but very flexible representation: each transaction is paid for by one of the users, and each user has a number of shares for each transaction, representing how much he benefited from the transaction. From this representation, aaacs will compute which user is a creditor and which is a debitor, and by which amount.

For now the tool is mature in CLI only, but a GUI is in development.


Suppose we have three friends, Eska, Simon and Shuba, who prepared a meal together. Simon brought some wine, and Eska brought a tartiflette. However, Eska did not drink any wine, while Shuba drank twice as much as Simon. And Shuba ate twice as much as Simon, and Eska three times as much as Simon. These friends want to divide the costs fairly. The tartiflette cost 42€, and the wine 15€.

Using aaacs, they first modelize their meal with the following input.yml file:

    - Simon
    - Shuba
    - Eska
    - descr: wine
      amount: 15
      who: Simon
          Simon: 1
          Shuba: 2
    - descr: tartiflette
      amount: 42
      who: Eska
          Simon: 1
          Shuba: 2
          Eska: 3

And aaacs procudes the following output:

$ cargo run --cli input.yml
Processing accounts for input.yml:
Eska has a balance of: 22.91
Shuba has a balance of: -25.27
Simon has a balance of: 2.36

Now our friends know that Shuba ows 2.36€ to Simon, and 22.91 to Eska.

Status and future work

Currently the CLI mode is usable if the yaml file is edited by hand.

The GUI is a work in progress, both as a native GUI and a web-based one.