
Programmer Dvorak with dead state

Deep Dvorak keyboard layout for MacOS

Deep Dvorak is modification of Programmer Dvorak.

It resembles "Dvorak-Qwerty ⌘" layout from the standard MacOS package, but it doesn't substitute each key to QWERTY equivalent, when command key is pressed. Instead it places common three shortcuts x c v to ; , . position, which is more easy to press with one left hand.


  • Copy to a Keyboard Layouts directory:
    • Copying the bundle to /Library/Keyboard Layouts/ requires administrator rights to the computer, but will allow the layout system-wide, including the OS X login screen. To enable input options on the login window, check the option in System Preferences / Users & Groups / Login Options / Show Input menu in login window.
    • ~/Library/Keyboard Layouts/ needs less access and is specific to just the user’s account it is saved to.
  • Log out of OS X and log back in.
  • Open System Preferences, click on the Language & Text icon, and in the Input Menu tab enable the Deep Dvorak layout.
  • Make sure that the Show input menu in menu bar box is also checked.
  • To switch quickly between layouts you can press Command+Space or Command+Option+Space. Note, this hotkey combination conflicts with the default settings for showing Spotlight. Check your settings in System Preferences, Keyboard, Keyboard Shortcuts tab, Spotlight against Keyboard & Text Input.


  • Normal state Normal state

  • SHIFT ⇧ Shift state

  • Caps lock ⇪ Shift state

  • Command ⌘ Command state

  • OPTION ⌥ Option state

  • SHIFT+OPTION (⇧+⌥) Shift+Option state

  • Dead state Dead state