
Neural Magic PoC

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

How to deploy the pipeline and/or serve the model

The pipeline is to make use of SparseML to optimize the model, and then the KServe InferenceService/ServingRuntime are the one running the DeepSparse runtime with the model


Created data science project in Red Hat OpenShift AI

Create object data store (MinIO) for the models

Create namespace for the object store if you don't have one

oc new-project object-datastore

Deploy MinIO:

oc apply -f minio.yaml

Create a couple of buckets in MinIO using credentials from the created minio-secret

  • one for the pipeline (e.g., named mlops)
  • one for the models (e.g., named models).


Pipeline server

Create pipeline server, pointing to an S3 bucket


For the Access key and Secret key use the credentials from the minio-secret (Access key=minio_root_user, Secret key=minio_root_password)

For the Endpoint use http://minio-service.object-datastore.svc.cluster.local:9000

For the Bucket use mlops

For RHOAI < 2.9

Import the existing PipelineRun sparseml_pipeline.yaml into the Red Hat OpenShift AI or generate a new one via the commands:


File sparseml_pipeline_custom.yaml should be created as a result of executing the command

python3.11 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install kfp kfp_tekton==1.5.9
python openshift-ai/pipeline.py

For RHOAI >= 2.9

Import the existing PipelineRun pipeline_v2_quickstart.yaml into the Red Hat OpenShift AI or generate a new one via the commands:

python3.11 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install kfp==2.8.0
pip install kfp-kubernetes==1.2.0
python openshift-ai/pipeline_v2_quickstart.py


if some of the steps may take longer than one hour you either need to change the defaults for taskRuns in Red Hat OpenShift AI or add a timeout: Xh per taskRun. You can see sparseml_simplified_pipeline.yaml and search for timeout: 5h to see an example.

Pipeline Requirements

Cluster storage (created via PersistentVolumeClaims) named models-shared, so that a volume to be shared is created

Data connection, named models, pointing to the S3 bucket to store the resulting model


NOTE: the cluster storage and the data connection can have any name, as long as it is the same given later on the pipeline parameters.

Create the images needed for the pipeline

Build the container images for the sparsification and the evaluation steps

podman build -t quay.io/${USER}/neural-magic:sparseml -f openshift-ai/sparseml_Dockerfile .
podman build -t quay.io/${USER}/neural-magic:sparseml_eval -f openshift-ai/sparseml_eval_Dockerfile .
podman build -t quay.io/${USER}/neural-magic:nm_vllm_eval -f openshift-ai/nm_vllm_eval_Dockerfile .
podman build -t quay.io/${USER}/neural-magic:base_eval -f openshift-ai/base_eval_Dockerfile .

Push the container images to a registry

podman push quay.io/${USER}/neural-magic:sparseml
podman push quay.io/${USER}/neural-magic:sparseml_eval
podman push quay.io/${USER}/neural-magic:nm_vllm_eval
podman push quay.io/${USER}/neural-magic:base_eval


Haven't tested the following section, please jump to Run the pipeline

(OLD) Compile the pipeline (RHOAI >= 2.9)

This is the process to create the PipelineRun yaml file from the python script. It requires kfp_tekton version 1.5.9:

pip install kfp_tekton==1.5.9
python pipeline_simplified.py
  • NOTE: there is another option for a more complex/flexible pipeline at pipeline_nmvllm.py, but the rest assumes the usage of the simplified one.

(NEW) Compile the pipeline for V2 (RHOAI >= 2.9)

This is the process to create the pipeline yaml file from the python script. It requires kfp.kubernetes:

pip install kfp[kubernetes]
python pipeline_v2_cpu.py
python pipeline_v2_gpu.py
  • NOTE: there are two different pipelines for V2, one for GPU and one for CPU. It would be straightforward to merge them in one and have a pipeline parameter to chose between them

Run the pipeline

Run the pipeline selecting the model and the options:

  • Evaluate or not
  • GPU (Quantized) or CPU (Sparsified: Quantized + Pruned). Note for GPU inferencing, it is not supported to both prune and quantized yet.


Run the optimized model with DeepSparse

Create the image needed for the Inference Service

Build a container image

podman build -t quay.io/${USER}/neural-magic:deepsparse -f deepsparse_Dockerfile .

Push the container image to a registry

podman push quay.io/${USER}/neural-magic:deepsparse

Option A: Deploy through ServingRuntime

Note DeepSparse require write access to the mounted volume with the model, so doing a workaround so that it gets copied to an extra mount with ReadOnly set to False.

If you have created a custom image, you need to update the container image in the specified file.

oc apply -f openshift-ai/serving_runtime_deepsparse.yaml

And them from the Red Hat OpenShift AI you can deploy a model using it and pointing to the models DataConnection

Option B: Deploy InferenceService

Create a secret and a Service Account that points to the S3 endpoint. Modified them as needed.

oc apply -f openshift-ai/secret.yaml
oc apply -f openshift-ai/sa.yaml

oc apply -f openshift-ai/inference.yaml


Run the optimized model with nm-vLLM

Create the image needed for the ServingRuntime

Build the container with:

podman build -t quay.io/USER/neural-magic:nm-vllm -f nmvllm_Dockerfile .

And push it to a registry

podman push quay.io/USER/neural-magic:nm-vllm

Deploy through ServingRuntime

Note DeepSparse require write access to the mounted volume with the model, so doing a workaround so that it gets copied to an extra mount with ReadOnly set to False.

oc apply -f openshift-ai/serving_runtime_vllm.yaml
oc apply -f openshift-ai/serving_runtime_vllm_marlin.yaml

And them from the Red Hat OpenShift AI you can deploy a model using it and pointing to the models DataConnection. You can use one or the other depending on running sparsified models or quantized (with marlin) models.

Testing with Gradio

Run the request.py and access the Gradio server deployed locally at Update the URL with the one from the deployed runtime (ksvc route)

python openshift-ai/request.py