
My AwesomeWM config

Primary LanguageLua


A gruvbox'd setup with minimal tweaks of the powerarrow-dark theme in awesome-copycats.

Opt In Features

See available controls with Super+s. For some of these features, the following need to be available on $PATH (though not necessary for function):

rofi (macOS spotlight/context switcher)

flameshot (screenshots)

pactl (volume control via PulseAudio)

playerctl (media controls, Spotify compatible)

slock (simple X screenlocker)

xss-lock (Used to delegate XScreenlocker locking activity to slock)

xrandr (For interacting with X)


Install in the following path:

git clone https://github.com/cole-bishop/awesomewm-gruvbox.git $HOME/.config/awesome

alt screenshot