SwiftReflector is an experiment and helper class to get some reflection on Swift
Instantiate the Reflector
let reflector = Reflector<NSString>()
Class Information
// Return full qualified name
let name = reflector.name
// Class properties
let properties = reflector.properties
// Class Instance methods
let methods = reflector.methods
Create instances
// Creates a new instance
let instance = reflector.createInstance()
// Create a new instance from name
let instance = Reflector.createInstance("NSData")
Execute code
// Executes code without return value
reflector.execute({ (`self`) -> () in
println("I have access to self: \(`self`)")
}, instance: instance)
// Executes code with return value
let returnValue:String = reflector.execute({ (`self`) -> String in
return `self`.substringFromIndex(5)
}, instance: instance)