
Basic tutorials for AIKIDO (github.com/personalrobotics/aikido)

Primary LanguageCMake

Aikido Tutorials

Installation (With singularity)

  1. Install singularity.
  2. Create the container: sudo singularity build container.sif container.def. The container will have all the pre-requisites including ROS and AIKIDO.
  3. Create a singularity shell: SINGULARITYENV_DISPLAY=$DISPLAY singularity shell --cleanenv container.sif. $DISPLAY environment variable is passed to allow rviz to work correctly both on a local computer and when using X11 through SSH. The following commands can also be run through singularity run ... or singularity exec ... but it is easier to create a singularity shell and execute the commands inside.

Run the following commands inside the singularity shell:

  1. Create a catkin workspace in the current directory: catkin init
  2. Build the aikido_tutorials package: catkin build
  3. Source setup file: . devel/setup.bash

Installation (Without singularity)

  1. Install all the apt packages in the %post section of container.def.
  2. Create a catkin workspace and install the dependencies:
# Catkin dependencies
cd src
wstool init
wstool merge ../ros_requirements.rosinstall
wstool up

# Build catkin workspace
cd ..
catkin init
catkin config --extend /opt/ros/noetic
catkin build
  1. Source setup file: . devel/setup.bash


  1. Run roscore, rosrun rviz rviz and rosrun aikido_tutorials aikido_tutorials in three separate shells (singularity shells if using singularity).
  2. In the rviz window, add InteractiveMarkers with update topic /dart_markers/aikido_tutorial/update
  3. Pressing "Y" when prompted in rosrun aikido_tutorials aikido_tutorials shell should make the robot move between two configurations.