
A Flutter Ecommerce app with Firebase as backend

Primary LanguageDart

E-commerce App with Flutter and Firebase

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Table of Contents


Created a feature-rich eCommerce cross-platform app using the following tech stack: Flutter and Dart for frontend development, Firebase for backend and database integration, GetX for state management, and VelocityX for rapid UI prototyping and styling.


List the main features of your E-commerce app:

  • User authentication (Firebase Auth)
  • Browse and search products
  • Add products to cart
  • Checkout and payment processing (In process)
  • Order history
  • User profile management
  • Real-time updates using Firebase Realtime Database or Firestore
  • Product reviews and ratings
  • Wishlist functionality

Getting Started

Setup Flutter, Dart, and Firebase along with Android/iOS emulator and run the main.dart file.


  • Flutter SDK (version X.X.X)
  • Firebase project with authentication and Firestore setup
  • Android Studio or Visual Studio Code with Flutter plugins


Provide step-by-step instructions on how to install and set up your app:

  1. Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/vbhvshukla/ecommerce.git

  1. Change the directory to the project folder:

cd your-repo

  1. Install Flutter dependencies:

flutter pub get

  1. Configure Firebase:
  • Create a Firebase project on the Firebase Console.
  • Put the google-services.json in the android folder of your main project directory.
  1. Run the app:


  • Splash Screen: When you launch the app, you'll be greeted by a stylish splash screen that introduces you to the shopping world.

  • Login or Signup: If you're not already logged in, you'll be prompted to either log in with your existing credentials or create a new account by signing up.

  • Home Screen: Upon successful login or signup, you'll land on the home screen. Here, you have several options:

  • Product Page: You can directly go to the product page to browse and purchase products.

  • Categories: Explore our wide range of categories to find products that match your interests and needs.

  • Cart: View and manage the items in your cart. You can proceed to checkout from here (Note: Checkout feature is a work in progress).

  • User Profile: Access your user profile where you can see your information and change it as needed. You can also add a profile picture to personalize your account.

Project Structure

Briefly describe the organization of your project's code. For example:

  • lib/: Contains the main Flutter app code.
  • consts/: Contains every constants.
  • controllers/: Contains every controller.
  • models/: Contains all data models.
  • common_widgets/: Custom widgets.
  • views/: Custom different views/screens.
  • services/:Handles restore services/JSON.
  • ...